Stella & The Nice Guy

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Chapter 38

6 months later

"Our partnership with IGM will be coming to an end now that they plan to close down. We need to invest in a new corporation to produce the engines for our machines. Let me hear what you have." I tell the employees sitting in front of me.

An employee I've come to know as Joseph raises his hand. "Lincoln Corp. They are efficient, well known, and willing to negotiate."

I shake my head, "They are also known for destroying homes in third-world countries to get oil to fuel their engines. We don't need that kind of partnership, next?"

Another employee raises his hand eagerly, "Wellington Industries. Clean business, efficient products, their offer is at $1.5 million." He says confidently.

I frown, "Which is way above our budget for basic engines. Next!"

The sound of shuffling papers erupts from the room as the employees search through their files. Never would I have thought I would be second in command of a company that makes industrial machines. I hardly knew the schematics of our products but I understood the business perfectly.

Things had been going very well, my boss was a great guy and my coworkers weren't bad either. Except for one who loved to push my buttons every opportunity he got.

"Ashford Industries." Michael says smugly from the corner of the room.

I hesitate at the name I've been avoiding for months. The men in the room begin nodding in agreement as I stand there watching. "What's their offer?" I ask reluctantly.

"Solid $1 million, right in our range."

I gave a fake smile, "Excellent suggestion, Michael. I'll discuss it with Mr. Lewis. But for now, meeting adjourned. If anyone has any other offers please see me in my office."

Michael comes strolling up to me as the others leave the office. "Did I hit a nerve?" He asks with a smirk. I ignore him as I pack away my presentation materials but he continues. "Not taking this offer because of your own personal issues would be detrimental to the company. You and I both know that."

I roll my eyes as I continue to pack away my stuff, "I said I would propose it to Mr. Lewis didn't I?"

"You've known about this offer for weeks and never brought it up Stella." He chuckles and I can feel his presence behind me, "You women are so emotional. He's your ex, so what? We need this deal."

I turn around and glare at him, "First of all, it's Ms. Harris to you. And second, I will get us this deal, if it is the best offer." My eyes were burning right into his. He was one of the few employees I truly couldn't stand. Our proximity was close as we glared at each other.

"We both know it is." He says with a smirk before backing away. I watch him leave the room as my blood continues to boil.

"Stupid jerk." I mumble to myself as I follow behind him out of the conference room.

The click of my heels against the ground gave a clear heads up to anyone that I was heading their way. Six months in and we were still short on female employees, but that was something I still planned to fix.

My main focus at the moment is finding a replacement partnership deal after losing IGM. We had many options and many offers. But I was slowly running out of time.

Michael was right, Ashford Industries was our best offer. But that would mean sitting down face to face with him, partnering with the company my father co-owns, and constant trips back to New York.

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