Playboy & The Double

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Chapter 9


I stood there dumbfounded as she drove away from my parent's home. Did she really just throw a three thousand dollar bracelet at me?

Stella Harris had to be one of the most difficult women I had ever met.

But it just made her even more intriguing.

From the second I laid my eyes on her at the restaurant that night, I wanted her. Even when she was covered in gnocchi Sorrento. Then just my luck that I found out later she was the girl my parents were trying to set me up with.

She was smart, beautiful, and independent. But wanted nothing to do with me. And now she's made it clear for the third time that she hated me.

I looked down at the diamond bracelet in my hands. I knew I was wrong for last night, but it wasn't like I slept with that girl!


I groan in irritation before placing the bracelet in my pocket and walking back toward the house.

"Oh Julius, she's such a sweetheart! Convince her to come on the trip okay?" My mother says as I enter the kitchen.

I nod, "I'll try mom. I'm not sure she'll be up for it though."

My mother frowns, "Then buy her some more jewelry or something." She recommends.

I chuckle lightly, the diamond bracelet still sitting in my pocket. "I'll try," I assure her again. I give her a kiss on the cheek, "I'm heading back to my place."

She nods, "Okay drive safe sweetie. Your father is in his office."

I nod at her before heading up the grand staircase to speak with my father. Knocking on the large wooden doors, I await a response. "Come in." He calls out.

I open the door and enter his large home office. "I'm heading out."

He smiles at me from behind his work desk, "Harris's daughter is one fine piece of work isn't she?"

I chuckle at my father, "You have no idea."

He raises his brows, "So things are going well? I don't see why you don't just get married right away."

"What's the rush father? Wasn't the engagement quick enough?"

He sighs, "I suppose."

"Well I'm going now, I have work to do."

He nods as I say goodbye and leave his office. I didn't understand why my father was so focused on me getting married. I knew I wasn't in the same boat with Stella completely. If my father wanted to merge companies, he wouldn't need me to do it.

He simply just thought I needed to settle down. My parents were arranged to be married and swore it was the best thing ever. I assume he just wanted the best for me, but I wasn't entirely sure.

I get into my white Porsche and head back toward Manhattan, where my penthouse apartment was located. It was nearing early afternoon and I knew I had a stack of papers on my desk to go through before Monday morning arrived.

I arrive at the apartment building in under thirty minutes, greeting the doorman and entering the elevator. As the elevator began to close a small voice could be heard from the hall, "Hold the elevator please!"

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