Stella & The Call Off

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Chapter 31

Nothing bad will happen.

Nothing bad will happen.

Nothing bad will happen.

I chanted the words over and over again in my head as I applied my makeup. Today Julius was officially being sworn in as acting CEO, while Mr. Ashford was stepping down. After this, we invited our parents to dinner for our big announcement and I am hoping the night won't end in disaster.

To say I was nervous was an understatement. But like Sheila said what's the worse they can do? I knew my dad didn't care anymore about the engagement, he's gotten what he's wanted out of this already. But Mr. Ashford was another story. He wanted to see his only son get married, but he was going to have to wait a while.

"You ready?" Julius asks as he enters my bedroom. I nod solemnly as I stand up from my seat. He smiles at me as he takes my hand, "Don't worry, everything will be fine. We have each other don't we?" He leaves a small kiss on my knuckle.

I smile, "Yes we do."

He nods before leading me out of the condo. He unlocks his car before helping me in and starting the engine. It was early evening, around 5 pm as we drove down toward the event center.

"Are you nervous?" I ask him.

"Nah my dad will get over it."

I shake my head, "Not about that, about becoming CEO."

He chuckles, "Oh yeah that. I don't think I'm nervous, maybe a better word is unprepared."

"You know you don't have to if you don't want to." I remind him.

"I know." He says in a calm tone as he watches the road. I decide to drop the conversation, sensing he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

We arrive at the event center at the appropriate time, posing for pictures before entering the venue. I take my seat with my mother and Mrs. Ashford as the ceremony commences.

Julius was most likely backstage getting ready to be introduced and I couldn't help but feel nervous for him. The host introduces Mr. Ashford as he comes out onto the stage and begins speaking.

"Thank you all for being here this evening. As CEO and founder of Ashford Industries, I have worked with a lot of different people. In my 20 years of being with and starting this company, I have only ever hired the best of the best. They are part of what has made this company so great. My choices have always been correct. Excluding that time I chose to wear a bow tie to my son's commencement ceremony." The audience laughs and he continues.

"But besides that, I trust my intuition. My son, Julius Ashford is is a man of promise, integrity, and character. I could go on forever talking about how much he has grown into this wonderful young man, but for times sake I'll keep it short."

"He is by far, the best choice I could have made to succeed me and to move this company forward. I know he will work well with our new business partners. I know he will make the right choices. And I know he will take this company far. Ladies and gentlemen, my son, Julius Ashford."

The crowd begins to applaud rapidly and a wide smile appears on my face as Julius walks onto the stage. Cameras begin to flash as Julius gives his father a firm handshake and hug.

"Thank you everyone." Julius begins as he stands in front of the podium. "I am truly honored to have been chosen for this position. As most of you know I was not the only candidate for this position, and I wasn't the ideal choice either. I would like to acknowledge and thank the board for selecting me, my father for believing in me," His eyes meet mine, "and the love of my life for inspiring me."

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