Bonus Chapter

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Chapter 41

3 weeks later

"I need that report completed before Tuesday." I demand angrily at the finance department. I turn toward the other side of the room, "And you guys! I asked for the new project proposal last week! You are all falling behind!" I turn toward the man playing with pens in the corner, "And you." I say as I point at him. "My office, now."

I turn around and march toward my office, heels clicking with every move I made. Jeffery, one of our head managers, follows behind me nervously. I open the door to my office, allowing him to enter inside as I followed behind him.

"Take a seat, Jeffery." I command calmly. He sits down in front of my desk as I walk over to the other side, taking my seat. "You know everyone in this company, has their purposes. Right Jeff?"

He nods, "Yes Ms. Harris."

"Mine is to oversee operations and report to the big man upstairs. Michael is to oversee the financial aspects and report as well." I look up at him, "Do you know your role?"

He gulps and nods, "Yes ma'am, to oversee and report to you."

I smile lightly, "Yes exactly." I pull out some files from under my desk. "Then what is this?"

He looks down at the files in front of him. "Last month's project assessment and evaluation."

I nod, "And do you see the date?" I ask as I point to the corner of the paper. He looks closely at the paper as I slam my hand on the desk. "Exactly! You didn't date it. It got lost, and I never got it! Now everything is behind Jeff. Would you like to explain that to the man upstairs or should I?"

Before he can respond I stop him, "Don't bother. Because it's not your job to report to him, it's mine. You only deal with me, and you don't want me to get upset Jeff." I seethe at him. He sat there staring at me wide-eyed while nodding. "Now go fix this." I demand as I point toward the door.

He stands up from his seat quickly, "Yes ma'am I'm sorry!" Before rushing out of my office. I hear slow clapping and look up toward my office door. Michael stood there with a smirk on his face as he clapped slowly. "You are ruthless." He chuckles as he enters the room.

"Do you ever actually work?" I ask in irritation as I put away the un-dated files.

"You know I do, that's why you never yell at me."

I roll my eyes, "I yell at you all the time."

"Yes and it kind of turns me on." He says with a smirk.

"Get out of my office." I respond unamusedly.

"Seriously Stella, you need to tone it down a bit. They're all scared of you."

"They should be."

"Do you know what they call you? Stella the witch."

I look up at him, "That's not even creative." Before looking back down at my work.

"Look all I'm saying is that you need to relax a little. Fear creates a hostile work environment and that's the last thing you want."

"Don't tell me what I already know Micheal."

"Then do it! Jeez, you've been extra mean ever since we got back from New York. Even to me, your favorite coworker." He says in dismay.

I roll my eyes, "Get out of my office."

He shakes his head, "Fine, but only because I want to." He finally leaves my office shutting the door behind him, allowing me to get back to work.

I had been a little extra angry lately, as well as stressed with work. Julius was still constantly on my mind and there was so much wrong here.

I stayed in my office for hours, working and trying to straighten everything out that had gone wrong. I hadn't even noticed the time that had started to pass until I heard a knock on my door.

"Enter." I call out as is stare at the screen.

"It's after hours, shouldn't you be heading home?" Michael says as he enters the office. I look up at the clock, 8 pm. I let out a sudden yawn before shaking my head.

"I'll be out of here soon, almost done."

"You sure? Want me to wait up?"

I shake my head again, "I'll be fine don't worry. Go home."

"It's dark outside, there could be creepers around." He prompts.

"I hang around you all day I'm used to it."

He chuckles, "Alright fine, I'll see you tomorrow."

I wave him goodbye as I continue to work. The door shuts again leaving me to focus. After only about 10 minutes another knock snaps me back to reality.

"I said go home Michael." I call out.

The door opens and there stands Julius, in his usual work attire. I quirk my brows in confusion, "What are you doing here?" I ask.

He points up, "I met with Mr. Lewis to discuss some things earlier. When I heard you were still here I stopped by to say hello."

"Hello Julius. You can leave now, I'm very busy."

He frowns, "Stella it's almost 9 o'clock and you're the only one in the building."

"Easier to work that way." I retort.

"You should go home."

"Don't tell me what to do." I respond as I continue typing on the computer. He sighs before stepping away from the doorway and heading towards my desk. He walks over and unplugs my mouse from the computer, placing it in his jacket pocket.

"Stop playing around and give it to me." I demand.

He shakes his head, "Baby look at you! You're exhausted. Go home and rest."

I stand up from my desk. "Give me the computer mouse." I demand again. He simply shakes his head as he backs away from me. "You have always been so childish!" I move to grab it from his pocket as he moves in the opposite direction. Our proximity was fairly close as he still held my computer mouse hostage in his hand over my head.

"Shut down the computer." He demands.

"Give me the mouse." I demand in return.

He doesn't respond, he just watches as I glare at him. There was tension once again as we stared at each other. There was something about his gaze that I simply could not resist. I pulled his shirt by the collar, crashing his lips into mine.

I let out a soft moan as he pulled me against his body while kissing me hungrily. I heard something fall to the ground and I assumed it was the computer mouse as he lifted me by wrapping my legs around his waist. He placed me on the edge of the desk where I eagerly began removing his suit jacket.

There were no words exchanged, just lust as we rushed to undress one another. I moaned as his lips took over my neck while he ripped my bra off its hooks. I push things out of the way off the table as he helps me out of my panties.

He enters into me swiftly and silences my moans with a kiss. I bite his lip, drawing it out gently as he pulls out slowly, but not before crashing back into me, causing me to cry out.

The desk continued to shake against the rhythm of his strokes. There were no words between us, only the sounds of our moans and my cries of pleasure. He watched in admiration as I finally came undone against the desk as he held me securely. We were both breathing heavily, eyes still on each other as he slid out of me.

"Well." He says first.

I push the hair away from my face, "We're still nothing more than acquaintances." I say before hopping off of the now wobbly desk.


Random bonus chapter to help steer us into book 2! Which is called Stella & The CEO and it will be posted by next week.

- AuggiePooh_

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