Stella & The Tease

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Chapter 22

I woke up the next morning on the couch.

Not only on the couch but naked on the couch.

And not only naked but naked on top of Julius Ashford.

If you ask me what the hell happened last night that led up to this, I really couldn't tell you. One minute we were watching tv, the next he was making me orgasm.

Oh gosh, he saw me orgasm. He made me orgasm! Like three times!

I quickly get off of his chest and grab my dress that lay discarded on the ground. There was no way I could face him like this. Although we didn't go all the way, I still felt so stupid.

I had sworn I would never have sex with him just a month ago and look at me! Curse him and that delicious smirk of his. I tiptoed to my bedroom, hoping to not wake Julius.

The time seemed to be still fairly early since the sun was just had risen. It was only Thursday and I still had work to go to.

I look over at the alarm clock beside my bed, 8:00 am.

Aw shit, I'm going to be late.

I quickly get into the shower to wash all reminisce of our encounter off my body. I dry myself off and change into some work-appropriate clothes before tying my hair back and heading out.

I tiptoe past where Julius slept on the couch and frowned when I noticed him sleeping so peacefully. I was unsure whether to wake him up or not. I didn't know if he had work to go do or if someone was expecting him for a meeting. But I also didn't want to face him so soon.

I let out a sigh before shoving him gently. "Wake up dummy you have work." He mumbles something before turning to face the other way.

"Julius wake up!" I exclaim as I shake him harder.

"I'm up, I'm up." He says grumpily, his eyes still closed.

I shrug, I did what I could. I grab my purse and head toward the door, off to work.

I enter the office in a sour mood, still pissed about what I did yesterday. Since when did I lack self-control? I mumble my good mornings to my coworkers as head up to my office, taking a seat at my desk.

I could always just pretend it never happened? Like how his beautiful lips look their time exploring every part of my naked body. And how his large hands took their time making me climax, several times. How he was both rough, and gentle at the same time. And the way his mouth...

"Stella!" I avert my gaze to the voice that snapped me out of my thoughts. Sheila stood in front of my desk with a folder in her hand. "I've called your name like three times and you've just been staring at the wall. Are you okay?" She asks.

I sigh, placing my head on my desk. "No, I'm not okay. I'm not okay at all."

Her brow quirks in confusion, "What? Okay, we obviously need to talk. But first, we have a meeting to attend in the conference room."

I groan, remembering I'm at work. I stand up from my desk, adjusting my pencil skirt before following her out the door. We enter the large conference room where everyone from the marketing department was seated around a large table.

"Good morning everyone. Now that Stella is here we can get started." Gregg says as he stands up from his seat. He begins presenting his report with the assistance of another colleague as we all sit and watch. After about an hour they were finished and the discussions and questions begin.

When the presentation is over I get up from my seat as everyone else leaves the conference room. "So how did I do?" Gregg asks as I grab my bag. I smile lightly at him, "You did well. Nice work."

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