Stella & The Blue Plate

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Chapter 29

"This dress says, have rough sex with me on the dinner table. While this one says take me slowly on the dessert cart." Sheila says as she observes the two dresses in front of us.

I laugh as I shake my head at her. "You're crazy. Not everything is about sex!"

"Tell that to the hickey on your neck."

I gasp quickly running to the mirror. Julius happened to be a big fan of leaving these stupid hickeys.

Sheila and I were hanging out in my old room, trying to find a dress for me to wear for my date with Julius tonight. I still hadn't moved many of my clothes out of my parent's house, which is why we were here.

Julius and I were going to a restaurant called Blue Plate, and I was excited. Everything about being with Julius was easy, at least for me it was. I felt so happy and cared about with him. I was the happiest I had been in a long time, plus the sex was incredible.

The one question neither of us had asked yet was, what happens now? I mean we were set to break up publicly very soon, do we still do that? I knew I wasn't ready to marry Julius, but I did want to be with him, at least for now. I wanted to see where this could go, something about him felt different.

"What about this one?" She says holding up a skin-tight black dress.

"Too seductive."

"Is there such a thing?" She asks with a laugh.

"What about this?" I ask as I hold up a black off-the-shoulder dress.

She shakes her head, "Do you have anything not black? I'm getting funeral vibes." She looks around before picking up another dress, "This one!" She holds up a burgundy mesh long sleeve dress as she nods in approval, "Simple and classy, I like it."

I take the dress from her as I look it over, "I think I agree. Now for shoes." I say as I turn around to the other side of my closet.

"Do you think you and Julius are going to stay at the condo long-term?" Sheila asks as I search through my shoes.

I shrug, "I don't even know if we're still going to live together after all of this. We haven't talked about it."

"Well, what do you want to do?" She asks curiously.

I shrug again, "I mean I really like him. But I don't know if we'd be moving too fast if we just continue living together while we date."

She chuckles, "You've been living together for months already."

"I can't believe it's already been months. We're almost in August." I say as I take a seat on the bench in my closet.

"I know right, you're getting "married" next month."

"More like a couple of weeks. And Mr. Harris is stepping down officially next week. It's all happening too quickly."

Sheila gives me a small smile, "Don't worry! Everything's going smoothly. It'll all work out perfectly fine."

"Yeah except the small fact that my father fired me."

"You're still under consideration for VP though." She points out.

I shrug, "I doubt I'll get it. Termination isn't a good look to the board. Maybe I should just quit while I'm still ahead, work somewhere else?"

Sheila quirks her brow in surprise, "Like where?"

"That's to be determined." I pick up the dress and the shoes I had picked out and stand up from my seat. "We should probably head out now."

She nods as she follows me out of my closet and toward the hallway. Noise could be heard from below as we head down the stairs. The sound of a laughing baby. I quirk my brow at the bouncing baby boy sitting on my mother's lap. "Who's this?" I ask as I come down the steps.

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