Stella & The Surprise

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Chapter 22

(mild sex scene ahead)

Thankfully the attack on my uterus had finally ended and I felt like myself once again. Julius and I had been living together for about two weeks now and honestly, it wasn't so bad.

Despite his constant flirting, he was a pretty good roommate. He just sucks at cooking, which wasn't a problem because I made most of our meals anyway. The only thing he could successfully make was pancakes. It was weird making food for him at first, but I got used to it as the days went by. He took care of me when I needed him and the least I could do is share my dinner with him every once in a while.

Our parents seemed to be fairly satisfied with the way things were going between the two of us. They constantly asked when we would be ready to have guests over. We brush them off and tell them we'll let them know, but truthfully we didn't feel like entertaining.

The workday had just ended and I was giving Sheila a ride home after our long shift. "So, Victor asked me out today." She says suddenly as I drive down through the New York street traffic.

My eyes widen as I turn to her with a shocked expression, "Victor from finance?"

She nods, "He asked me if I wanted to have dinner this weekend."

I quirk my brow, "And you said?" I ask.

She grins slightly as she looks toward the passenger side window, "I might have said yes."

"You never once mentioned that you were crushing on Victor?" I ask in surprise.

"I'm not! But I don't see any harm in dinner. I mean he is a really nice guy."

I nod in agreement. Victor was one of the few guys I actually liked. He was dependable, kind, and easy to be around. Not to mention he's been there for Sheila ever since the breakup with Gavin. Giving her rides home, hanging out with her, and just being a great friend.

"Well, I'm happy for you. Where is he taking you?" I ask.

She shrugs, "He said some restaurant called Blue Plate."

I give a nod of approval, "That's a nice restaurant. You'll need a dress."

She quirks her brow, "Really? I didn't think it would be that kind of date."

"Blue Plate has a dress code, you'll need a nice dress. Trust me. It's the perfect romantic restaurant." I assure her.

"Has Julius taken you there?" She asks teasingly.

I chuckle, "You know we're not actually together. But no we haven't gone there yet."

"Yet? So you plan to?" She asks with a smirk on her face.

I roll my eyes playfully as we pull up to her apartment, "We're here." I say ignoring her question. She laughs as she grabs her bag and unlocks the door. "Thank you again for the ride." She steps out of the car.

"Anytime Sheila, don't thank me."

She nods before waving at me and shutting the door of my Tesla. When I see her get into the apartment, I pull away from the complex and start making my way to my own home.

When I finally arrive, I park my car and enter the lobby of the complex before heading straight to the elevator. Before it can close a large hand reaches in to stop it, before entering the elevator.

"Well if it isn't my favorite fiancé." Julius teases as he enters the elevator. He was dressed in his usual work suit, his suit jacket fitting in his perfect body beautifully. I chuckle as the doors close behind him. "I'm your only fiancé." I quirk my brow at him questioningly, "At least I better be."

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