Stella & The Termination

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Chapter 28

"Stella? Stella!" A voice exclaims, snapping me out of my thoughts as I stare down at my phone. I look up to see Sheila standing in front of me with her hands on her hips.


"You're needed in the conference room. What are you doing?"

I giggle, "Texting Julius."

She shakes her head as a small laugh escapes her lips, "It's nice to see you so happy, but right now we have work to do. We're getting closer and closer to our deadline." She reminds me.

I nod, switching the phone off and standing from my seat. It had been a few days since our trip to Boston. Julius and I were definitely in the honeymoon phase of our new relationship. I wasn't sure if we were dating, since we were 'engaged'. But I did know we were actually acting as a couple.

Even as I sat in the conference room, listening to whoever was talking at the moment. The only thing really on my mind was Julius.

I missed him.

Us being together didn't affect my work. I wasn't distracted or anything, but I wasn't as focused as I'd normally be.

As the workday came to a close I entered my office again and noticed a letter on my desk. I quirk my brow as I recognize the familiar formatting.

Letter of Termination

I picked up the paper quickly, reading it over to be sure. And there my name was in big fat letters saying I was to be terminated immediately. With my father's signature signed clearly at the bottom.

I grab my things and head to the top floor of the office. Everyone was packing up to go home but I wasn't going anywhere without a word from my father first.

"Mr. Harris isn't seeing anyone right now!" His secretary calls out as I storm past her toward his office.

"Terminated?" I exclaim as I enter his office. He was standing, packing his things up for the day as everyone else was doing at the hour.

"Manners is one thing you lack Stella." He mumbles.

"You're firing me? For what?" I ask, ignoring his statement.

"Your wedding is next month, it's time for you to be relieved of your work to focus on your marriage."

I scoff at him, "Father you're ridiculous, do you know that? A woman can work and still be married!"

"You heard Ratliff, it's not a good look for you to be working for the company and marrying its CEO. It sounds like a scandal."

"But it isn't! You made me marry him, and you made him CEO. Now you're firing me?"

"There's nothing more to discuss here Stella." He says calmly.

I glare at him, he was just making excuses at this point. I rip up the termination letter before throwing it at him and storming out of the office.


I enter the condo tiredly, sliding my heels off and carrying them between my fingers. A beautiful bouquet of flowers sat on the counter. I walk over to them, reading the card on the front.

Dinner this weekend?

I chuckle at the card as I admire the beautiful roses in front of me. I pick one up from the bundle, inhaling its scent.

"I hope you like them." Julius's voice says from behind me. I turn around to face him, nodding lightly. "They're beautiful."

He smiles as he placed his briefcase down beside him and enters the kitchen. His hands snake around my waist pulling me to him. "So what's your answer?"

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