Chapter 9 -- A New Tattoo

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Chapter 9

Alyssa's POV

"I'm going to miss you so much" I said holding back the tears. It was time for Kim to go back to Florida for the rest of the tour; I was going to miss her so much.

"just call me if you need me, I set my number to speed dial on your phone, tell me if anyone gives you weird looks" she said acting like my mom and making sure I would be okay

"I'll be fine Kim, take care of the boys" I said as she walked into the airport and waved goodbye

"Kim wait!" I yelled and she turned around and walked back. I unclasped my necklace that Kim gave me for my birthday a few years ago and put it on her. She was now bawling, I had worn that necklace every day for years until now

"But it's your luck-“ she started to say but I cut her off.

"It's your lucky charm now, it will remind you of me" I said while hugging her.

"Goodbye boobear" I whispered.

"Goodbye hazza" she managed to whisper in tears before walking into the airport and getting on her plane to Florida. I couldn’t help it as soon as I got in the car I started bawling; words couldn’t describe how much I would miss her. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out, knowing it was her.

Kimmy: don’t cry, I’ll be back before you know it <3 –kimmy

Me: how did you know I was crying?

Kimmy: cause I am too :,)

Me: :,) I’m going to miss you! Give harry lots of your famous liquid hugs for me!

Kimmy: sure thing hazza

Me: time to get my cast off :D bye! Love you boo! <3

Kimmy: bye! Love you too hazza! <3

I turned off my phone and slid it back into my pocket and drove to get my cast off.

When we finally got there I waited in the waiting room and when they called me in I was nervous, what if something went wrong? I quickly shook the thought from my mind.

I’d be going back to school tomorrow which would be very… weird. I knew for a fact half my school hates one direction and I wasn’t prepared for what might happen, I instantly thought of the time Lexi (the school slut) said I was so retarded for liking one direction and that they would never know I exist, and the time Duncan (a jerk in my art class) said they should all die in a plane crash, (A/N isn't my school just filled with lovely people :) )

I finally had my cast off and couldn’t help but look at my arm, it was like a book I read back in sixth grade about a pilgrim girl who came to America and she didn’t own a mirror and after years when she finally got married, her husband bought her a mirror and she felt like she was looking at a different person. I never understood that part until now.

After what seemed like ages, I was out of the building and back in the car, heading back home. I scanned over my arm, looking at the fading scars of the incident with Ben. I let out a shaky sigh, remembering how Harry had saved me. I miss him so much. I continued to think about him and his new tattoos and out of nowhere decided to get one too.

When I arrived I knew just what to ask for, first I got a 'H' tattooed identical to were Harrys 'A' tattoo is, second I got a star and moon on the back of my neck, and last a music note below my ear. It was strange having a tattoo but I enjoyed it, I got back in my car and drove home and got a call form Harry

Me: hey Harry what's up?

Harry: you got a tattoo!

Me: um..... yah....... How did you know.......?

Harry: it's all over twitter, someone took a photo of you leaving the shop and there was a 'H' tattooed on your arm

Me: so it didn't show the other ones?

Harry: there's more?!?

Me: yah, calm down, there small. Why are you so upset you have so many!

Harry: how big are they?

Me: there is the 'H' a star and a moon on the back of my neck and a music note below my ear

Harry: send me pictures

Me: no first explain why your mad

Harry: I- well- when I first got a tattoo I got hate and I didn't want it to happen to you

Me: I'll be okay, there really small so I'm not too worried

Harry: okay, send me some pictures!

Me: k, love you, bye!

Harry: love you too!

I switched on the camera and took photos and then sent them to Harry and went on twitter and tweeted them

'well since you all got to see my first tattoo might as well show you the rest. Also I know you all want a explanation of them so here goes: the 'H' is for Harry so I can always have him with me, the star and moon are also about harry, and the music note is cause I like music' I tweeted


sorry its short but im updating a TON of chapters so some of them have to be short

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