Chapter 23 -- Save Me From This Nightmare

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Hi everyone!! You guys have been so amazing! I love getting all your comments you're all so supportive and have helped me keep this story going for so long! There are only four more chapters left! Wow. I can't believe it! I'm going to miss you all! I hope you all will read what ever I'll be working on in the future so that I can stay connected with you all!

I just finished babysitting two amazing little kids and now I've got time to write so here it is. Chapter 23!

Love Always!



Chapter 23

Alyssa's POV

"Honey? Oh good you're awake, it's time to go back home now" my mom said sweetly when I woke up.

"Oh- A soft knock on the door interrupted me

"Come in" my mom said while helping me up

"Hi, I was just here to check up on Alyssa but I guess you've got it so ill just be go-

"Oh, Zayn, its fine. Alyssa is getting out of the hospital today and she has the day free. Would you two like to hang out? It would be a nice way to cheer Alyssa up" she asked him

"Sure, Alyssa is that alright with you?" He asked and I nodded in reply

My mom brought me extra clothes to change into and they were tight on me, I had gained a lot of weight while I was at the hospital because the doctors thought I would develop a eating disorder so they always had me eating. I noticed that my mom had brought my skinny jeans even though it was hot and sunny outside, I knew right away that it was to hide my scars

I walked to the nurses station and grabbed a pair of scissors and began cutting my jeans into shorts. When I was done I put the extra fabric in a trash can and the scissors back where I found them, I walked to the waiting room where zayn and my mom stood and my mom gave me a look when she saw my shorts.

I walked with them and noticed that they wouldn't stop glancing at my scars when they thought I wasn't looking. We all walked outside where I was met with thousands of camera flashes and questions thrown at me.

"Alyssa?!? is it true you tried to kill yourself?" one reporter asked

"dont answer" zayn whispered in my ear, I listened and I noticed my mom went off to her car and zayn helped me to his.

"So where do you want to go?" He asked

"I don't care" I mumbled

"Well why don't we get some ice cream?" He asked we both got ice cream and we just drove around

"Do you ever just wish you could fly away from everything, just stop time and go and do what ever you want and it would never end?" I asked him

"Yah, why do you ask?" He asked me

"No reason, just making sure I wasn't crazy" I laughed. It was silent for a while before zayn spoke up

"Alyssa? Do you wish Kyle and Kim hadn't found you... Do you wish....." He didnt have to finish. We both knew what he was going to say 'you were dead?'

"I- I.............." I couldn't answer

"I'm so sorry" he pulled over and leaned over and hugged me while crying

"It's not your fault" I told him

"But I saw Harry and that girl going into the bathroom..... I could've stopped them......" He cried

"Zayn" I whispered. He looked up and me, tears still rolling down his face, and suddenly he kisses me. I don't even register what's going on until I hear tons of cameras going off. Shit.

Zayn pushes away from me quickly and drives so fast I'm surprised we didn't get in a accident, it's too late though, we both know the cameras saw us kissing which means pretty soon the whole world will.


"Don't." Zayn whispers coldly, I almost think I've imagined it but I notice his knuckles are white from his tight grip on the steering wheel and his tense face

We drive in silence until we get to a hotel. I know for a fact it's not the one the rest of the boys are in and I suddenly get tense

"What are we d-

"I can't go back and see Harry" he mumbles before getting out and helping me out of the car. We walked into the hotel and the man only had one room with one queen bed in it and I told zayn I'd sleep on the floor.

We went upstairs and I turned on the TV while lying with my back against the bed and zayn sat next to me. We watched a ton of different shows before I fell asleep leaning on zayn.

I saw myself dying. I'm literally floating above my dead body lying on my bathroom floor, I'm waiting for Kyle and Kim to burst in but they don't. I die alone, Harry burst through the door a few minutes to late. He starts crying and screaming for Kyle and Kim.

I try to reach out to him but he can't see me or feel me. I'm suddenly flashed forward to my body in a coffin while Harry is making a speech. He begins singing his new song 'don't let me go' its only a part of it and I recognize it right away

"I promise one day I'll bring you back a star

I caught one and it burned a hole in my hand oh

Seems like these days I watch you from afar

Just trying to make you understand

I'll keep my eyes wide open yeah

Don't let me

Don't let me

Don't let me go

'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone" he begins crying and has to stop singing. Kim goes up next but I drown her out, I'm right next to Harry now and he's standing over my coffin.

"I love you. You're always going to be my star" he kisses my cold dead forehead and I try to reach out and hug him but I can't

"Stars and beyond" I whisper and he turns for a minute and I swear he heard me but then he turns back shaking his head as if to say "it wasn't her, it was all my imagination"

I flash forward again and I'm in the gazebo, Harry is here too sitting on the swing next to me.

"Alyssa. It's been a long year and well..... I need to be with you again" he began to cry "this is the only way...." He whispered before pulling out a knife. He begins cutting something into his arm. I scream and scream for him to stop but he can't hear me

"I'm here Harry! I'm here! I'm sorry! I love you! Please stop! I'm sorry I left you! Please don't kill yourself! Harry, I love you!" I scream but he won't stop. He lays his head back and begins to singing softly with his last few breathes

"I promise one day I'll bring you back a star......." He closes his eyes and his arms fall to his sides, he drops the knife and I get a good view of his arm 'Love Always' is cut in it. I begin to cry and try to reach out to him but yet again I can't

"Hey hazza, Niall says dinner's ready" Louis says while walking up, I run to him and beg him not to look up and see Harry, this isn't supposed to happen, he can't lose Harry. He shouldn't be the one to find him. He can't know. He can't get hurt. He just can't.

"Harry?" He asks while looking up. I look in his eyes and I swear I could see his whole world crumble up and die in that moment. He drops to his knees and cries.

"God? Why did you take Alyssa and Kim?" Oh god. Kim's gone too? No. No. No! She couldn't have. She wouldn't have! "And now Harry too? You might as well take me too. I've lost everyone" he cries for hours in front of me and I know I can't do anything, Niall comes down to the gazebo and he looks pale and lifeless. He sees Harry and goes to his knees and hugs Louis, I can't hear them anymore. I bring pulled back to life.

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