Chapter 5 -- Flying Home

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Chapter 5

Alyssa's POV

"Your coming home with me?" I asked her in disbelief.

"Yah, I thought about going public but then I remembered at the party how intense the paparazzi was and I figured if I'm going to tell the world I'm dating Niall from one direction I should at least enjoy my privacy while I still have it." she explained to me.

"Also I miss Lissa, Katherine, Sam, and my family." she added.

"Yay! I can't wait!" I told her while wrapping her in a bear hug.

"How long are you staying in Ithaca?" I asked her.

"A week, I'm going to meet up with the boys in Florida." she told me.

"Now finish your breakfast, we have a plane to catch."

When Harry drove Kim, Niall, and I to the airport I couldn't hold back the tears. I was going to miss Harry so much. We pulled up to the airport and walked in, Harry walked us to security and Kim and Niall said goodbye.

"I'm going to miss you" I told him while the tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I promise to call every night" he told me.

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you too" he whispered back before pulling me into a hug and then a passionate kiss. While keeping one arm around me he took off his beanie and placed it snug on my head, the tears began flowing down my cheeks even more before Harry kissed me on the forehead.

"Flight 273 will be boarding shortly." the intercom interrupted, that was our flight.

"I love you" Harry told me.

"I love you too" I told him before turning around and making my way towards security.

We boarded the plane and when it passed the parking lot I could see Harry and Niall. Harry was leaning against his car and then he noticed my plane and waved, I waved back and made a heart with my hands and he did one too.

When we got higher in the air they let us turn on our electronics, I opened up my bag and noticed a note on top.

'I love you

To the moon and back <3



I smiled to myself as I took out my phone and texted him

Me: i love you too the stars and beyond <3

Harry: you got my note? Xx

Me: yup :) Xxxx

Harry: how's the flight? Xxxxx

Me: great! Miss u!! Xxxxxxxx

Harry: miss you more!!! Xxxxxxxxxxxx

Me: lol Xxx war? ;) Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Harry: to battle!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Me: I'm going to win ;) Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Harry: you sure about that? ;) Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Me: yes XP Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Harry: fine fine you win

Me: haha I won!!!!!!

Harry: only because I let u!

Me: I still won.....

Harry: true

Me: haha Kim is sleeping!! Lol Omg I'm sending a pic to niall! This is so funny XP

Harry: haha is she snoring

Me: yes!! Loudly!!

Harry: hahaha she would kill right now

Me: she probably will, haha but I'm pretty sure the guy behind me is a FBI guy or a spy O.O

Harry: don't let him use his ninja skills!

Me: hahaha i don't think he's a ninja Harry

Harry: he could be!

Me: sure if you say so

Harry: I gtg niall got his hand stuck in the peanut butter jar again

Me: hahahahaha poor Niall XP okay bye! Love u!

Harry: bye! Love you too!

Kims POV

When we got to the airport Niall and Harry walked with us inside.

"I'll be back before you know it." I told him.

"I know but im still going to miss you." he said.

"Don't worry I-"

"I love you." he cut me off.

"I love you too Niall." I said while trying my best not to cry.

"Flight 273 will be boarding shortly." the intercom announced.

"Bye" I whispered before he kissed me.

"I'll be back soon." I whispered before turning around and going through security. Once we got in the plane I sat down next to Alyssa and looked around, I swear the guy behind me looked like a spy. I fell asleep right away.

When I woke back up we where in Pennsylvania.

"Almost home Kim." Alyssa said from next to me.

"Yah, almost" I mumbled while getting up and getting off the plane with Alyssa behind me.

"We have a hour till our next flight." Alyssa told me while we sat down in two white rocking chairs set up by a huge window. (A/N when I flew back from vacation in Florida we actually found rocking chairs at the airport in Pennsylvania).

I went on my Phone and texted my mom to let her know I was almost home

Me: hey mom! In Pennsylvania now be home soon, r u picking us up?

Momacita: sure! I hope you had fun in nashville

Me: it was great! I missed you guys so much!! I'm actually in Allentown right now!!

Momacita: we missed you too! Glad you could visit home :) (A/N Kim is from Allentown)

Me: okay I gtg we r buying lunch

"What do you want to eat?" she asked me.

"Hmmm what about pizza?" I asked her.

"Sure I know a great pizza place here! Your going to love it" she said while grinning. We walked around and then when we turned the corner a large sign read 'Dominics'.

"You are amazing!!" I told her while running into the store. Dominics is my favorite pizza place in the whole world! (A/N it's true! Kim LOVES dominics) we ate for a while and then we walked back to our rocking chairs.

"That was so good!" I said happily.

"Agreed." Alyssa stated smiling brightly.

"Flight 183 to Ithaca New York will begin boarding." the intercom announced. We walked over and got on the plane and left for our trip home.

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