Chapter 12 -- New Year, New Songs

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Hi guys!!

So Kim wrote a really funny ending to chapter 11 and I think you guys will find it funny >.<


Chapter 11

Kim's Christmas special

Alyssa's POV

I woke up to the loud noise of my brother running downstairs, honestly it was like he had elephant feet! I got up to yell at him when I remembered.... ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!!! I ran towards the stairs and my family was all standing at the top of the stairs

"What are you doing.........?" I asked confused.

"We want you to go downstairs first" my mom told me with a huge smile on her face.

I walked downstairs and looked at the living room were the christmas tree was and words couldn't describe my happiness, I was speechless.


"I miss you" I said to Harry whose face was lit up on my computer screen.

"Hi Alyssa!" I heard one of the boys yell.

"Who was that?" I asked Harry.

"Zayn" he told me as all the boys ran towards Harry and filled the screen.

"You guys are so weird" I told them.

"That's why you love them" I heard Kim say.

"Hey Kimmy!" I yelled.

"Hey, it's louis' birthday, I'm baking a cake." she said while turning the camera towards her.

"Oh by the way happy birthday louis! I got you all gifts for the next time I see you" I told them

"Thanks Alyssa!" they all said.

"No problem, so who likes my tattoos?" I asked them

"They're amazing!" Niall told me.

"The queen approves" Louis said, making me laugh.

"Sorry lys but the boys have to go" Kim told me.

"Okay bye guys! Merry Christmas, I love you!" I said before the computer screen went blank and Harry was gone.

I cried and threw a pillow at my dog. He barked and ate my face off.

"OWCHIES!" I cried and punched a baby I found in my closet before hearing it's satisfactory cry and throwing it back in there. "THAT WAS MY FACEULE!"

All of the sudden, I had moles all over my arms and legs! I screamed and punched my dog, making him be a melon and jump out a window.

"WHERE IS NY MARIJUANA?!?!" I called out to my servant joshiepoo.

He came in, his head ajar and handed me a stogie. I smoked smoked smoked it ALLLLL!!!!!


Then I saw a blinding light and Kim appeared in my room, with back boobs and threw lemons at me! I squealed and backed away.

"No! Not lemons! My only weakness!!!"

"Yeah that's what you get for taking my buns! It was the last of them, couldn't you spare me one?!?!"

"Naw son."

All the sudden, it was raining butts! I screeched and extended my foot outside to my dog, kickin him again.

"Ugh." I groaned waking off, muttering a sarcastic remark about mornings.


Okay so that's it! Bye :D

Psh you didn't think I would leave you without posting chapter 12 did you? Well if you did then you're probably Kim XP okay here is chapter 12


Chapter 12

"Happy new year!!" I heard people yell from all around me, suddenly someone turned me around and kissed me. I knew instantly who it was, Harry.

"Happy new year Alyssa" he whispered

"Happy new year" I responded with a grin

"Hey! It's my favorite song" Harry said happily with a big smile while my new song began playing, it was called Tonight and it was about partying all night long.

'Cause tonight it's just us

we'll dance till the dawn

party as long as we want

cause tonight the world belongs to us'

(A/N only putting a little bit of the song in) Harry and I danced along to the beat and I sang along to my own voice (which is as weird as it sounds)

"Yo yo yo! You all enjoying that beat? Well we got the one and only Alyssa Witchey in the house tonight!! Maybe if you all cheer really loud she'll come up and sing one of her songs?" The DJ said once my song ended, everyone cheered really loud including Harry.

I walked toward the DJ and whispered in his ear what song I was going to sing and he handed me a mic and started playing the song I had chosen

"This song is about a boy I dated a few summers ago, if you know the words sing along" I said and the crowd cheered, I sang along to Summer Time. It was one of the first songs I wrote about a boy who I dated but once the summer ended it just didn't work.

'Cause we spent a summer together

And back in the summer time we thought we had forever

Cause I remember the summer time

You fit in my life like a perfect rhyme

But that was back in the summer time

Back when you were mine'

I finished singing and the crowd cheered, the rush of being on stage wasn't frightening anymore, all I thought about was the lyrics. I handed the DJ back the mic and walked over toward Harry

"You did amazing" he told me

"Thanks" I said happily

"Hey um why don't get out of here or please just go anywhere but here" Harry said while rubbing the back of his neck and looking towards the door where rob had jus walked in

"Can I go one day without you stalking me" I mumbled to myself "yah, I'll get everyone" I told Harry before rushing over toward zayn, perrie, Liam, and dani

"Robs here Harry and I are going to leave, up to you if you want to come, meet us outside in ten minutes if you do" I said quickly and then repeated it to Louis and Eleanor once I found them

"Niall! Kim! If you would stop sucking each others faces off, I need to talk to you!" I yelled but clearly they were to "busy" to hear me

"Hey free nando's!" I yelled and Niall turned to me

"What?" He asked looking confused and dazed like he didn't even know he was in a club for the last hour

"Robb's here, we're leaving" I said not even giving them the option to stay, I managed to slip passed people and out the door without rob seeing me, most likely because he was making out with some girl. When I got outside everyone was out there

"Thanks for leaving with us" I told them before we all got into cars and drove back to the hotel

"Ugh I'm so exhausted" I complained while plopping onto bed. Harry walked in and took my heels off for me and tucked me in before getting in himself

"Thanks hazza" I mumbled while kissing him. He wrapped his arm around me and we cuddled up close while he sang little things to help me fall asleep, I couldn't help but smile.


Okay now it's really the end :) bye

Honestly, there is nothing more -_-

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