Chapter 19 -- Those Curls

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Chapter 19

"Hey, you okay?" Harry asked when he walked in with a glass of water

"Yah, your phone rang by the way" I told him. He went in his pocket and grabbed his phone

"It's louis, they're going to go grab something to eat and wanted to know if we wanted to come with?" He asked

"Yah sure" I smiled

We drove around and I didn't really pay attention to where we were going

"Where are we?" I asked when we pulled up to a big building with no windows or signs.

"Close your eyes" he whispered in my ear while covering my eyes

"What's going on?" I asked while putting my arms out and Harry led me to a door which I opened and he removed my eyes and...

Kim's POV

"SURPRISE!" I yelled with everyone else in the room

"Oh my gosh!" Alyssa said surprised

"Here read the cake" Harry said while leading her to the cake

"Read it out loud" I whispered to her

"Alyssa, we've been together for what seems like forever. We've been through thick and thin.

We both know a world without the other is a world neither of us want to live in.

Although we're on tour know, one day we'll have to settle down.

I've found a house and I hope you'll move in with me." she read what was written in black

"Yes of course!" she smiled while hugging Harry

"It's a nice house in Hawaii, I bought it during the tour. Daisy lives right near by and we've got another surprise-

"Kim? We didn't just buy one house... We bought two, remember the one we looked at? That wasn't Harry's house, it was mine. But it can be yours too if y-

Niall was cut off by me hugging him in a bear hug

"Of course!" I yelled

"Now who wants some cake?" Harry asked and everyone cheered

Alyssa's POV

I finally looked at all the people in the room, all my school friends were here but some were missing. Harry told me this might happen, some people might not be your friend after you become famous, what really surprised me was that Katherine wasnt there.

"Hey where's Katherine?" I asked Harry

"Oh. She uh.... She couldn't make it" he told me while looking at the ground

"Oh...." I turned my face to hide the tears that threatened to fall at any moment

I went backstage and cried my eyes out for what felt like hours, I tried to call her and she never answered.

"I can't believe it" I heard someone say "ditches her own party" they continued

"She thinks she's so much better cause she's famous" someone else replied

"I heard she's only using Harry for the fame and money" the first girl said

"I bet she's going to dump him as soon as she gets her hands on that house" a guy said

"Why would he ever date a girl like her" well that hurt. Okay, just deal with it like el told you.

"Probably because he loves the real me and not the fake one the media creates, oh and frankly, honey, you don't know me well enough for me to care about your opinion" I said to the girl I didn't even recognize before walking away

"Guess who" I heard someone say while covering my eyes

"Kyle!" I screamed happily while turning around and hugging him, earning me a few looks from people which I ignored

"I missed you so much!" I told him when I finally let him go

"I missed you too! We have to hang out while your in town" he said

"Yah totally! hey I really could use a drink, lets go. hey can you believe I'm moving to Hawaii?!?" I asked excitedly while we walked to the bar that I noticed earlier

"It's crazy! Oh I forgot to tell you, Savannah and I are getting married. We want you to be the maid of honor" he told me

"Yah of course! I'm so happy for you! Can I tell you a secret?" I whispered after taking a few sips of my drink

"Oh course, what's up?" He asked

"I found a ring in Harry's pocket the other day, I think he's going to propose" I whispered

"No way!" He whispered

"Yah way! When do you thi- so yah I was really shocked I had no idea he bought the house!" I switched topics when Harry walked up

"Hey Harry, savannah and I are getting married. Alyssa here is the maid of honor, speaking of marriage when are you two going to get married?" He asked

"I'm not sure, I haven't really thought about it" Harry said while kissing my cheek

"Well I'm sure you would tell me seeing as I'm practically her brother" he laughed

"Yah of course! Trust me if I was going to propose I wouldn't be able to hold it in! I would probably tell everyone in town!" Harry joked

"Alyssa!" I heard someone yell

"Hope?" I asked while turning around and sure enough there she was

"I missed you! I tried to find you after you read the cake but you disappeared" she frowned

"Oh yah I had to step out for a bit" I told her

"If it's about Katherine, don't worry to much. She's going through some stuff, she'll come around eventually" she whispered

"Thanks" I smiled

"Hey you should come talk to some people! Remember Lukas? Or Lan? I think I saw Tia with her husband..." Hope trailed off while looking for people from my past

"Wait. Hope what did you say? Lukas? He's here?" I asked

"Yah. Can you believe it he married Charlotte!" She told me

"What?!? But I thought he didn't like her" I said

"We'll it has been almost ten years since you saw him" she pointed out. We walked around and talked to a few people and eventually found Lan and Tia with two guys

"Oh my gosh! Lan! Tia! You look amazing!" I said when I walked up

"You too! I can't believe you performed with Taylor swift! Remember when we used to dream of going to her concerts?" Lan laughed

"Haha yah I do, I remember when you wouldn't stop singing Love Story in art class and you begged me to listen to it. Thank god I did!" I laughed

"Oh I completely forgot! This is Adam, he works with google. Look!" She introduced her fiancé while showing me the ring

"Wow! When's the wedding?" I asked

"Two days! Can you believe it?" She asked

"No way! That's so close!" I told her in shock

"You have to come! I tried to send you a invitation but you were on tour and I couldn't contact you" she frowned but quickly smiled again

"Oh of course! I will totally be there" I told her

I began feeling out of place, all these people I've known my whole life suddenly were getting married and growing up and all I wanted to do was sink back into childhood. Suddenly I felt sick and the alcohol from earlier with Kyle was making me dizzy

"I'll be right back" I said while walking away to the bathroom. Inside some people where making out and the girl was all over the guy, I had no idea who she was but the guy looked familiar. I turned away and splashed my face with water

"Oh Harry!" The girl screamed. All the color drained from my face and I spun around quickly and realized who he was. Those curls. Harry styles you cheating bastard.

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