Chapter 2 -- #AlyssaStyles

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Kims POV

After alyssa and Harry left Lia went home so I sat in the living room and turned on the TV to see harry carrying Alyssa on his back and then a photo of them kissing at the VIP hangout.

"Harry styles, from One Direction, has confirmed he is dating the youtube sensation Alyssa Bailey, photos of the couple began appearing via twitter after the bands concert last night. This photo was taken about a hour later by a fan." the reported said while a photo of Alyssa on Harry's back appeared.

"Only ten minutes after, #AlyssaStyles was trending" the reporter continued (A/N it would be AMAZING if you guys got that trending <3 --1Dfan4848)

I logged on to twitter from my phone and sure enough #AlyssaStyles was trending, I composed a new tweet. '@Harry_Styles and @1Dfan4848 so proud of you two!! Haha lys have you seen this? #AlyssaStyles, looks like there will be a wedding XP'

I shut off my phone just as they walked back in.

"Where did you go?" I asked curious.

"To the park" Alyssa told me. While playing with her bracelet, wait Alyssa didn't have a bracelet!

"Did Harry give that to you?" I asked her, giving her a sly smirk.

"Yes" she confirmed while blushing, I grinned and looked at the different charms.

"You two where on TV today, they where talking about you guys going public." I winked at her and she smiled shyly.

"Well yeah, they had to of found out eventually." she stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I find it cute! So, your scared about all the hate you might get?" I asked as she blanked out a bit. Her muscles tensed and she widened her eyes in shock.

"I didn't even think about that..." she mumbled. I sent a sympathetic glance at her before she walked over to my laptop.

"What are you doing?" I raised my brow in confusion. She logged out off my twitter and logged into hers.

"Checking my twitter..." she murmured in response. I watched over her shoulder as she read over her mentions.

'Did anyone hear of that new skank, @1Dfan4848? I hear she is dating @Harry_Styles. What a dissapointnent'

'@Harry_Styles why did you pick @1Dfan4848?! She is suck a prick! She is using you!'

I gasped at all the tweets and saw the tears form in the corner of Alyssa's eyes. She kept scrolling down and I couldn't take it. I shut the laptop off and hugged her, rubbing circles on the small of he back. I whispered comforting words in her ear as she sobbed on my shoulders.

"It's okay, they are all losers that don't have lives. They just want you to break down like this. They want you to be broken so you can back down. But I can't let you. You need to stay strong." I hugged her tighter, trying to hold back the tears myself. This was too much for her.

Alyssas POV

Harry and Kim comforted me when I got a text I pulled it out and saw it was from Kyle.

Kyle: just turned the TV on, and saw you with harry! So glad you both worked things out! Miss you lots! Come visit when your back in Ithaca! <3 ky

Me: hey ky :( yah i was on TV but im getting lots of hate on twitter :,( i miss you too! Come pick me up at the airport?

Kyle: Awww I sorry :( don't listen to the hate, they want you to break down and leave Harry so he will me single again but just think about how happy you are with him, are you really going to let some random strangers take that away from you?

Me: your right thanks ky! <3 lys

Kyle: what time does your flight get in?

Me: tomorrow at 1:30

Kyle: see u then! Bye <3 ky

Me: bye <3 lys

I smiled, I felt better after talking to Kyle, Kim and Harry realized I was happier and smiled back. Just then Louis, Liam, and zayn ran downstairs happily.


Elealnordanielleandperriearecomingtovisit!!!" Louis screamed happily.

"What?" I asked him

"Eleanor, Danielle, and perrie are coming to visit!!!" he screamed again. Kim and I turned to each other and smiled. (A/N told you Charlotte XP)

"Yay! We get to meet the other girlfriends!!" Kim stated happily.

"When are they coming?" I asked them happily.

"In a few minutes, they texted us from the airport. We are all going to go get them and then go out to dinner." Zayn told us. Niall came running at the sound of dinner.

"Did someone say dinner?" Niall asked.

"Yes, were going to get the girls." Liam told him. We got in the car and drove to the airport. When we got there the plane was landing, we watched the crew get the baggage out of the plane and then passengers got off. Eleanor ran right into Louis arms, Danielle kissed Liam and Perrie just had a quick kiss with zayn.

Kim and I shared sarcastic 'well they really missed each other' look.

"Hi I'm Eleanor" Eleanor smiled while hugging me, and then Kim.

"Hi my name is Alyssa, and this is my best friend and Nialls girlfriend Kim" I introduced us.

"Hi I'm Danielle" Danielle said before shaking our hands.

"Can I just say, it's really a honor meeting you all" Kim smiled at everyone. Perrie ignored Kim and just stood next to Zayn.

"Um not trying to be rude, but is Perrie always this anti-social?" I whispered to Eleanor.

"We dont know perrie very well, we just don't get along." Eleanor told me

"Try not to get to close to Zayn today, she's very protective of him." Danielle explained.

"Ready for dinner?" Harry asked us while wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Yup" I stated before giving him a quick kiss.

"Your killing me, can I please get a picture of you two your just so cute!" eleanor added before pulling out camera, I smiled at Harry who was already looking at me.

We went back to the hotel so the girls could drop off their stuff and Kim and I could get ready. I wore ballet flats with skinny jeans and my new 'I love Harry' shirt with Harry's beanie. I insisted Kim wear her 'I love Niall' shirt and she did, we both walked downstairs and got into the car and drove to a really fancy restaurant.

I got out and we all went inside and sat at our table. We all ordered and then started chatting

"So perrie, we didn't really get introduced at the airport. My name is Kim" Kim smiled at her and held out her hand for Perrie to shake

"Hi" Perrie replied bluntly without even shaking Kim's hand. Well then, someones in a mood.


Yush, another chapter. Just to let you know, this isnt 1Dfan4848.............*DRAMATIC PAUSE*............this is her editer. MWAAAAAHAHAHAHAH! Ishouldn't tell you my user name, because I am a trrrrolololololol.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH. no. So.....Hows it goping buddies?.....what? How come you arent answering?....what? oh wait, you CANT answer HEHAHEHAHEHAHEHAHEHAHEHSHEHAH!


Okay, so lets get serious for a moment.............................................................................................................






So I hope Yaaaaaaallll liked the chappie. Keep reading for more of Styles Saved My Heart! Until next time! :D

--1Dfan4848's editor

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