chapter 1

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Lance can't hold back his joy. He is having a baby. He just graduated college. He had two amazing mates. Well there just lovers. But now they have become mates. He squaled and twirled in his room.

Pidge started to pound on the wall. "Shut it up, lance! This is the third time this past hour! Go fucking tell them already! God I am fucking trying to sleep!" Lance sighed at his roommates temper. He gathered up his overnight bag. And headed out of their apartment.

At Keith's and alluras house
Lance knocked on the door. But got no reply.  After a few tries. He gave up and got out his spare key and unlocked the door. He walked in the house and called out to them. No replys, maybe they were in their office. Lance walked to the office. Closer he got. He could hear them talking. He got to the door. And noticed it slightly open. He opened it little bit more. Then he heard something that broke his heart.

"I can't do this anymore, allura. I want just to be us. I dont love him anymore. Let's just end it with him. We dont need him in our relationship. It can just be the two of us". Keith was speaking in annoyed voice.

Allura has to tell him no. She was with me before keith came into the picture. We were tougher for two years before Keith. We were childhood friends. Please allura you must say no.

"Your right keith". Allura replied. My heart ripped from my chest. Tears ran down my cheek. I rushed out of the house as fast as I could.

Lance's apartment
Lance rushed into his apartment. Raning straight into shiro. He was balling his eyes out. Shiro treid to get answer out of the young omega.

By the time he got answer out of lance. Hunk was home from his shift. Both men were furious at the two alphas. But lance kept them from leaving and killing them.

When pidge awoke to go to her morning class. She asked why lance was sleeping on the couch. And between the two men. They told pidge everthing. She was furious. How could allura do this to lance? They were childhood sweethearts. She wanted ripped them apart and feed them to her cat. But both men stopped her.

Few weeks later
Lance was moving back to his hometown. He couldnt stay here anymore. Pidge and hunk understood his decision. Hunk will join him in half a year. And pidge would join next year after she graduates.

Shiro and his boyfriend Adam were leaving with lance. Adam was getting job as professor at the college in Lance's hometown. And shiro was becoming the new chief at the police station.

A few weeks later
They settled down. Lance told his family, alfor  and Coran the news of the child. He made both Coran and Alfor not to tell allura. They both agreed. They both haven't heard from Allura in long time. They only heard news about allura through lance. That was it. Lance was surprised and upset with his ex lover.

A month later
Lance got a job at his neighbors animal clinic.

A week later
He learned that he was having not one but two babies. He was overjoyed but sad at the same time. His babies will never know their dads.

Eight months later
Lance gave birth to baby girl and a baby boy. He named the girl Sonia. And the boy jimin.

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