chapter 9

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Keith started going to therapy. His therapist was a young woman named acxa. She was very brilliant. And helped Keith deal with issues he had built up for years.

He told her that he hated his parents picking careers over him. Both of them dieing as heroes. Korlia was in the air force. She deid rescuing her fleet. She deid when keith was four. Then his father deid saving a family in a fire. Keith at the time was fourteen.

Shiro and Adem tried to be there. But both of them were always working. Good thing was that his fathers life insurance paid for most of his life expenses.

As time went on. He became anger and depressed. He made new friends. Rolo and Nyma liked to do drugs and steal things. It was fun. Until he wrecked one of the cars they stole. Shiro lost his shit. They fought all night over it. Shiro forbid him from seeing them. But a teenager will never listen.

Rolo introduced him to older kids. They were so cool. That led to more drugs. it also led to booze and parties. He lost his virginity to an older girl. She was small and had big boobs. God was she a good fuck. Soon Keith was addicted to fucking any pretty thing.

He got into fights in school. Most of them were with guys who were pissed that he fucked their bitches. He also would lose his temper and beat anyone that looked him in the wrong way. If weren't for the fact he was smart and had amazing grades. He would've been kicked out of school.

Shiro had enough of his shit. And would send him to a training camp ever summer. But it never worked. Nothing shiro did could chang his behavior.

Keith gave up drugs expect for cigarettes. And sometimes weed. Because both Rolo and Nyma deid from a drug overdose. His only close friends were gone.

Soon he graduated high school and got into the college. The only one that would take him. That was because Adam pulled some strings to get him in.

He was loner. He went to parties and fucked around. The third month in school. He meet her. She was gorgeous. She was smart and independent. She was a true alpha. He also liked her long beautiful legs. He wanted them warped around his waist.

He learned her name was Allura King. She came from a rich family. Her only problem was her boyfriend. The omega was ugly and clingy. Keith didnt understood what she saw him. Maybe he was a good fuck.

Keith slowly got close to her. At first she ignored him. But he slowly chipped away at her heart. Soon they became friends. He would hint at her to break up with her boyfriend. But it never worked. She was over the hill in love with the omega it made him sick.

As time want on. Allura spent more time with him then her boyfriend. He was pulling her in with his bad boy charm.

Later she kissed him underneath the blenches. She begged him not tell her boyfriend. The kisses turned to sex. Her  moans underneath him were so wonderful.

Her boyfriend was getting supcouis of them. He was getting more clingy. But they didnt mind as long as he didnt know.

But week later. He caught them tougher. He was so upset. He tired to leave but allura caught him. She begged him not to leave her. She soothed her little omega. That's when keith meet lance.

Lance was annoying. He spent most of his time getting on Keith's nerves. Lucky allura was always on keiths side of the arguements.

A month later
Allura begged lance to let keith join their relationship. But he refused to agree. The omega should listen to his alphas commands. But lucky for them that night allura fucked lance into agreeing.

The relationship was sucky. Lance was a pain. He was getting onto Keith for ever little thing. Keith noticed Lance's friends didnt like him. Good for them. He didnt like them either. He reminded lance. all the time how much he hated him.

Soon shiro and Adam meet his lovers. Both men loved them. Overtime Keith become jealous over lance relationship with his brother.

But he also came to realize why allura liked the omega. He was annoying. But he was smart and kind. He was also amazing in bed. The little omega would help Keith with his issues.

One day lance came to tell him. That he loved Keith as much as he loved allura. And wanted all three of them to become mates. That scared keith. He also was falling for little omega. It was hard to control his inner alpha around the omega. But instead telling lance. he loved him. Keith stomped on the little omegas heart.

As time went by. Both alphas decided to lose lance. They would accuse him of cheating. But then get anger at him for spending with others then with them. The last time they accused him was with shiro. That got Keith kicked out of his childhood home and into alluras place.

Keith didnt go into detail about how they basically forced lance into a heat. Which is seen as rape in society. But he did tell acxa.

He told her about how lance caught them talking abour breaking up with him. They did try to get hold of him but he wouldn't answer. They even went to his place but only to learn that he went back home. Taking both shiro and adam with him.

Keith told Acxa about how the past ten year have been. Allura and Keith's relationship started to get rocky. Where did the thrill go? But they never broke up. Keith proposed to allura a year after lance left. And they went to court to get married.

They never treid for a kid. Allura didnt want give up work. And Keith really didnt want a kids.

As time went on. They were fighting all the time.  Most of their fights were over Keiths behavior. And the fact that Keith couldnt keep a job for shit.

Keith would spend most of the nights at bars then at home. And allura would spend her free time at stores and spas with her "friends".

Soon they both were bringing home people to fuck. Alluras playthings usually had something in common with lance. But when keith would put it out. It would led to a fight. He knows she still loves lance . And as much as Keith bitches about lance. He also wants lance back.

Keith last conquest was a young thing named lotor. He was a alpha. But he was such a bitch. Keith shared him with allura. But lotor didnt last long. The kid was worse then Keith. He also was gold digger. They dropped him quick. After lotor neither of them brought someone home.

Keith lost his last job over beating customer with hammer. He spent half a year in jail. He was lucky that he only spent half a year.

Afterwards he stayed home with Kosmo. The dog came into the picture after they dumped lotor.

Allura told him about the job offer at her hometown. At first they were worried lance was there. But it's been ten years he could've moved. It was hard for Keith to leave his hometown. But Altea was were his father was buried. It was the old mans hometown.

They packed up their things and said their goodbyes. They arrived at altea. Keith told her everthing thats been happing the past few chapters.

Acxa explained to Keith the issues of his behavior and ways to fix it. But it will take some time. But the first step was apologize to lance.

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