chapter 10

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Altea veterinarian clinic
Keith begged Romella to let him see lance. She sighed and called lance to the front. Lance appeared, "why are you here, Mullet?" Keith treid to hold in his anger. "I am here to apologize or take you somewhere out to eat to apologize". Lance wasnt fully convinced but a apologize did sound nice. "Do it tonight. Come over at my place. The kids will be with my parents tonight". Keith agreed and left.

Lance's house
Keith arrived an hour after lance closed the clinic. They ordered pizza and ate in complete silence. After dinner Keith apologize for everthing he every did to lance. "I know a apologize isn't going fix everthing between us. But I want this to work. I need to know my kids. You dont need to be with us. But me and allura. We want to know our kids. I am trying to be a better person but it's going to be hard ".  Lance patted Keith's back. "Sure keith you can see your kids . And thanks for going to therapy".

Two weeks later
Lance let keith and allura have the twins for a night. The kids were loud and annoying. Sonia kept trying to pick fights with Keith. Allura laughed "are you sure she isn't your kid instead?" Keith glared at allura. "Very funny, allura".

Trying to get them to take baths was horrible. Sonia got soap in her eyes. And Jimin had spent an hour refusing to get in.

During dinner the kids refused to eat.

Then bedtime the kids kept refusing to go to bed. They would whine for a story. Then cry about a monster underneath their bed. Then the rest of the night allura or keith would find them up and about. These twins were an handful.

The next morning the twins again refuse to eat. They hated everthing Keith put on the tv. They would make mess and not clean it up.

Then lance arrived. He had pancake mix and berries. He went to the kitchen and made the pancakes. He called for the twins and served them the pancakes and berries. The twins gobbled it up.

"Go clean up your mess". The kids nodded at their mother. And went to clean up the mess. Lance turned to allura and Keith. "I am so sorry about their behavior. The twins never acted like this before". Both alphas did not believe little omega. But they pretended they did.

"Do you guys have today off?" Keith and allura said yes. "Why dont we go to the park?" The alphas agreed. At the park they can prove to the omega. they can take care of the kids

The park
Sonia was terror at the park. She was mean to all the other kids. Jimin was just as bad. Keith would get onto the twins but they would flip him off. Breath in and out. Keith kept telling himself.

Allura would also try but they would only partial listen to her. They turned to little omega. His been playing with Kosmo. "Lance do something about your kids". Lance stopped playing with Kosmo. And saw what his kids were up to. He let out a sigh. And got up. Kosmo treid to knock him back down. "No Kosmo stay put". The dog listened. Lance handed the leash to allura. And walked over to the twins.

"What are you two up to?" The twins looked up. Fear ran across their little faces. They treid to make a ran for it. But their mother caught them. He dragged them by their ears to the alphas. "Now you two handle it". He forced the twins to pay attention to the alphas. Allura lectured the twins on their behavior. And Keith gave out the punishment. No electronics for a month. Neither of the twins liked that. The alphas made them go apologize.

Then they left.

Kogane residence
The kids grabbed their things. Awhile the alduts talked down stairs. "When are you going to.tell the twins, lance?" Keith asked.  "After they get used to you. And Keith gets little better". The alphas didnt like it but they could deal with it. Or maybe Keith could go behind Lance's back and tell the kids himself.

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