chapter 2

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Allura and keith were discussing their relationship with lance. They both wanted to break up with him. It was not working out . They didnt love him any more. And sex felt more like a chore then anything else.

They both heard a gasp behind them. They turned to see lance. He looked so heartbroken. This isn't how they wanted him to find out. They were going let him down gentle. How much did he hear?

They frozen stiff as they watched lance ran off. They didnt come back to their senses until lance was already gone. They treid to call him but he wouldn't answer. They gave up and try again the next day. They again got no reply. Keith even called his brother, shiro. But shiro didnt pick up. Allura called pidge. But she didnt get reply until the afternoon. Pidge called her up. And said even nasty things to Allura.

They were to buzy to go over to lance place until a month later.

At Lance's apartment
Allura knocked on the door. Keith was grumbling and stomping his foot. As they waited for someone to open the door.

Soon hunk open the door. Hunk the teddy bear actually glared at them. He refused to let them enter. Keith had none of that. And used his alpha strength to shove the beta over. He rushed into the apartment. Calling out to lance but got no reply. Allura stayed put were she stood. Hunk got up. And chased after keith. He grabbed the young alpha by the neck. And dragged him to the door and threw him out.

Allura grabbed keith before he treid to jumped Hunk again. Keith was snarling and shaking in her grip.

Hunk wrapped his arms across his chest. "Do that again Keith. And I will have you arrested for breaking and entering. And physical assault". Keith stopped and looked at hunk in shock.

"Shrio can't protect anymore, Keith. He moved out of town with Adam and Lance". That shocked both alphas.

"That's not true!" Keith yelled in Hunks face. Hunk spit in Keith's face. "It is the truth. They just left this morning. So you have no reason to be here".

"But you are our friend. That gives us a reason to be here". Aluura told him. Hunk slapped Allura across the face. "I was never your friend. I was Lance's friend. I never liked Keith. I hated when you brought him into the relationship" he sneered in her face. "Keith was never nice to lance. Not even once. Yea, lance could be asshole to Keith. But everyone at school even you,  Allura were always comparing him to Keith". He let out a heavy sigh. He was shaking with anger.

"Then you had to pick keith over him. You were dating lance two years before Keith. Next month would've been your guys sixth year anniversary. I hope your happy with yourselves". Allura was shaking. Tears ran down her cheeks. She didnt know what was going on. She didnt think everybody would be this mad.

Keith sneered and spit on the ground. "We didt love him anymore. And he wasnt even good in bed anyway" he chuckled. Allura let out a gasp. What did he just say?

Hunk growled and pounced on Keith. They started to fight. Allura tried to pull them apart. But soon her alpha impulses took over. She too soon joined their fight. One of Hunks neighbors called the police. Officer thace was thace and officer Ulaz arrested them.

An hour later
Pidge came to bail out hunk. She gave them both a threatening warning before they left. Keith treid to complain to Ulaz and Thace but both men just glared at them. Guess they were also anger with them.

Ten years later
Allura and Keith were moving down to her old home town. Allura got better postion at a law firm there. Keith would have to look for new work. Did that matter anyways he lived off allura for the past year.

After living in the town for two weeks. Their dog, Kosmo ate something and got sick. They decided to take him to the vet.

At the Voltron clinic
They entered the huge building. Inside looked like any other animal clinic. At the front desk was a blonde girl. She was talking to two childern. They walked over to her. Keith ponded on the desk. "Can we get some service here". The girl looked up at Keith and glared. She let out annoyed sigh. "What can I do for you sir". Keith glared at her.

"My dog ate something and isn't doing well. So can you stop playing around. And do your motherfucking job". He yelled at her. The two children who were already scared were now crying. Allura felt horrible. She treid to calm down her husband but he refused to calm down. The blonde girl picked up the phone and called for the doctor.

Few minutes later
The blonde girl was able to calm down  both children. Soon lance came out from the back. Keith and allura were shock to see him. Lance was also shock to see them. They treid to talk to him but he ignored them to talk to the blonde. "Romella what's wrong?" He asked her in a motherly tone. She pointed to them. "Their dog is sick. The man over there got violent. He also made both Sonia and Jimin cry".

Lance turned to them. He glared at them. He walked over to them and bent down to check Kosmo over. "He have to spend few nights here. I can feel something in his stomach". He got up. And face them. "So Mr. Kogane can I have his leash".

That got Keith out of his stupor. He started to cause a scene. Yelling at lance. Refusing to hand over Kosmo leash. Allura couldnt calm down her husband.  Soon the police arrived. The officer was shiro. He came because the description of the man sounded like his brothers.

Shiro cuffed Keith without a single thought and handed the leash over to lance. Lance smiled at shiro and gave him a peck on the cheek. The children before came out of their hiding spots. When they heard Shiro. Shiro shoved keith at one of the officers.

The children ran into shiro waiting arms. And gave him hugs and kisses.

Keith was struggling and throwing a fit as the officer dragged him outside. Allura did not follow them. Lance repeated what he said earlier to her. And she apologized to him and shiro.

Then she apologized to the children and Romella. She told the children they were very brave. They nodded at her.

Lance introduced them to her. They were his kids. They will be turning ten soon. The girl was Sonia and the boy was jimin. Her heart ached. God lance moved on. He had familt and life. He gave birth two beautiful babies. She wanted to cry. But she kept in. She apologized again and then she left.

Lance picked up Kosmo and headed to the back. Damn was the dog heavy. Shiro put the twins down and said his good byes. The children went back behind the desk with Romella.

At the police station
Keith was being charged.

Kogane resident
Allura couldnt get the kids out of her head. They looked so much like someone she knew. Some part of her wished they were her kids. But that  could never be true. Because she lost her chance a long time ago. Maybe in some different lifetime they would be her children.

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