When two Alpha Males Become Friends

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Guy 2 walks into the locker room, spotting two large bros arguing with each other. The other kids pinned themselves close to the lockers to avoid the blowback as the two began yelling, throwing a garbage can, and punched out one of the two lights in the room.

Guy 2: "What's going on?"

Guy 1: "Oh nothing, just the standard, brocacho v brocacho, gorilla ego chest pumping, homoerotically aggressive, look at me, me alpha, no me better alpha, arguments. And it's getting pretty annoying."

Guy 2: "Got an idea?"

Guy 1: "Yup but," sighing. "Here goes," pulling his hands around his mouth.

"Yo, Bros, if you wanna see who's better, why not just take off the shorts and see which one is you true is, rather, has the best." They're going to stop now, there's no way they're going to continue.

Both of them immediately rejected his thoughts and took down their underwear and undershirts, revealing their penis.

Alpha 1: "Dude, your penis is massive."

Alpha 2: "Dude, so is yours!" They spent several minutes praising each other's sizes much to Guy 1's dismay.

Guy 1: "This did not go the way I had planned."

Guy 2: "Yeah, but now you've made my gay fantasy a reality," whipping out his phone and taking several images.

Guy 1: Sighing, "at least I did something right."

Support the author if you can with his first book at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TC364S2

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