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murdoc was stood shirtless in his dressing
room mirror, applying a flammable amount of hairspray. he set the can down and proceeded to look at himself. when doing so, he noticed 2d walk past the door in the reflection of the mirror. "dents!" he called out. the tall man slowly walked over to the door and entered the room.

"you alrite?" the bassist asked. "mhm" 2d replied. there was a pause. the tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

the short silence ended when murdoc released a deep sigh "2d what's wrong? you haven't been acting like yourself. well, not with me anyway". "nuffinks wrong" 2d stubbornly told him.

"luv just tell me. you've been like this since yesterday". "i'm fine" 2d mumbled. "you're making this harder than it needs to
be". "i'm fine murdoc, just leave me alone!"
2d snapped. the singer stormed out of the room.

"what the fuck.." the satanist mouthed.
he was confused as to what had just happened. nevertheless he continued to get ready for the show eventhough 2d was on his mind the entire time.

even during the show he just couldn't get
the singer out of his head. he couldn't help but glance over at him during their performance. he was so focused on 2d that he messed up a couple of times.

after the show murdoc was sat with his bass in his dressing room. he was soon accompanied by russel. "hey man, is everything cool? I noticed you weren't really on top of your game tonight". "oh thanks russ! how nice of you to say" murdoc sarcastically replied.

"i'm just tryna look out for your cracker ass, no need to get all defensive!" . "well don't. I don't need to be checked up on". "you know what, imma just leave you and that bitter attitude of yours alone" russel said before exiting the room.

the satanist let out a frustrated sigh and
hung his head low. all he could think about was speaking to 2d. murdoc left his dressing room and headed to the singer's one, where he found him and noodle giggling away.

the room fell silent once he had showed up. "noodle do you mind popping out for a sec, me and 2d needa word". "no noodle, stay!" 2d sternly spoke. "noodle please" murdoc desperately looked at her. "fine" she huffed. the teen soon left them alone.

"go away mudz" 2d walked away from him
and faced the wall with his arms crossed. "why don't you tell me what's going on with you. i've clearly done something to upset you" murdoc stood in front of him, only for 2d to turn away.

"I said go away!" the singer repeated. murdoc tightly gripped onto 2ds' wrist and pulled him forward so that they were facing eachother. "i'm sick of this bullshit. you're acting like a child!". 2d flinched at murdoc raising his voice.

the older man saw is his effect on him so he quickly let go of him. "forget it" he mumbled as he walked to the door. "you don't like me anymore do you?" 2d spoke, tears pricking his eyes. murdoc looked over to him "what?".

"I-I saw you at the party..with those women.
they were beautiful. I knew you wouldn't of been able to resist yourself" 2d began to sob. the bassist rushed over to him and took him into his arms "nothing happened with them I swear! you can even ask russ. I had a bit too much to drink and ended up coming back to the hotel with him".

"promise?" the blue haired man sniffled. "I promise" murdoc gently kissed his forehead. "I've stopped hooking up with strangers since me and you have been seeing eachother. i don't do that crap anymore". "i'm such an idiot" 2d buried his face in his hands.

"no you're not. i'm sorry okay. I don't like making you feel like this". the boy wiped his eyes and looked at murdoc, embracing him in a hug.

"I feel so silly" 2d muffled into his shoulder. "just forget about it okay luv". he nodded his head. "now c'mon, you hungry?" murdoc asked with a soft smile. "yeah" 2ds' eyes lit up. "let's go and see if that pizza place is still open".

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