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it was late in the evening when murdoc
burst into the livingroom, stinking of cologne. his hair was slicked back instead of it being in
its usual style. he wore a black open- buttoned shirt which really complimented his gold cross necklace.

"so, how do I look?" he stood in the way of
the television, blocking everybody's view. "you look really good mudz" noodle smiled. "I guess you can scrub up pretty well" russ gave him a nod of approval. "oi, what's that supposed to mean?!" murdoc growled at him.

"I don't see why I can't go to the party. the invitation was addressed to all of us, not just you" noodle complained. " maybe in about 5 or so years you can go to parties without us at your side".

"make that 10 years" russel added. "and besides noods, I don't think this will be a kid-friendly party. I reckon it's the type to have you saying the '5 W's' " murdoc told her.

"the 5 W's?" noodle repeated in confusion.
"yeah. where the hell am I? when did I get here? what did I take? who the fuck is beside me and-"."mudz shut the hell up!" russ scolded. murdoc began to chuckle. "anyways russ, why don't you tag along? I could always use a bodyguard, or a wingman for that matter".

"more like somebody who's gonna carry your drunk ass home. and maybe you would have a bodyguard if they all didn't quit after a week of working for you". "alright, don't get your knickers in a twist".

"2d..why don't you come with me?". the singer's eyes widened. "m-me? you want me to come?". "well that's what I just said didn't I" murdoc huffed. "uh I'm not sure if I should". "why not? what's stopping ya?". "n-nothing..".

"exactly! so come on. slip into some nice threads. you've got 10 minutes". 2d jumped up from the couch and literally ran to his room. once he had reached it he immediately opened his wardrobe, searching through every piece of clothing that he owned.

he managed to find a t-shirt and a pair of
jeans that didn't seem like they needed ironing. he quickly got changed and then ran his hands through his hair in the mirror before making his way back to murdoc.

"you look nice toochi" complimented noodle. "aw thanks noods" he smiled back at her. "you ready? a car should be here for us at any moment. we should head downstairs" suggested murdoc. "m'kay" 2d agreed.

"bye guys". "byeee!" noodle waved. "have
fun you two". "don't wait up" murdoc
grinned before disappearing through
the door.

the pair made it downstairs to find that the
car had already arrived. they both got inside so resulting in the driver setting off to drop them
to their destination."murdoc whose party is this anyways?" questioned 2d. "some music producers I believe. I've forgotten the sods name".

"oh, right". "when we get there try and stick with me instead of wondering off. and if someone offers you a colourful looking "sweet" it's most likely drugs..so, don't take it - unless you want to, I'm not judging" he shrugged. "uh, I think i'll pass" 2d gave him a questioning look.

around 15 minutes later the car stopped outside of a big house. there were expensive looking cars parked on the driveway that probably belonged to some of the people inside. the two men exited the car. "thanks mate" murdoc gave a nod to the driver before shutting the door.

"this place is huuuge" 2d dragged the last word. "c'mon let's see if coming here was worth it" murdoc lead the way. there were people stood outside the mansion talking. their conversation died down when they laid eyes on murdoc and 2d.

"aren't they from that band? gorillaz!" one whispered. "shit, they are!" another gasped. 2d knew that reaction would boost murdocs' ego. the satanist had a smug smirk on his lips as he  strode into the house.

as soon as they walked in they were greeted by the strong smell of booze and weed. "now this is my kind of party" murdoc grimaced. they both made their way through to the kitchen area.

"murdoc! 3d! you made it" welcomed a stranger with many people surrounding him. he wore a white outfit with gold-rimmed glasses that didn't seem cheap. although he did look kinda tacky and looked like a bit of a prick too. "my name is 2d" the singer sternly corrected.

"ah sorry mate" the man half-heartedly apologised. "here, i've been saving this especially for you" he held out a joint for murdoc which he happily took from him. "my man!" murdoc patted his back as a way of saying 'thankyou'.

"where's the drinks at?". "look around you my boy" the man gestured around the room. murdoc noticed multiple bottles of liquor set out on the counter. he shot over to the table to pour himself a drink. 2d followed him but instead picked up a beer from the 6-pack on the table.

"gentlemen take a seat" somebody else
gestured to the empty chairs that were placed next to eachother. the pair sat down on them.
2d shuffled up a little closer to murdoc and stayed close to him the entire time.

2 more joints and a few bottles later, the
boys were ready to leave. 2d was the one that suggested to go and murdoc surprisingly complied. they made their way outside and waited for the car to arrive.

murdoc pulled out his box of 'lucky lungs' cigarettes and took two out, giving one to 2d. "thanks". he took out a light and lit both of them. murdoc slipped his arm around the singer and pecked him on the cheek.

"awh wot was that for" 2d beamed. "just
givin' you a kiss, that's all" murdoc drunkenly shrugged. "I-I really enjoyed tonight. only because you were there. you looked so good 
a-and I didn't even tell you" murdoc kissed him again. "murdoc you can't keep doin' that. wot if someone sees" 2d began to look around.

"I don't give two fucks!" murdoc blurted
out. "come here" he pulled 2d in closer and smashed his lips against his. they sloppily kissed under the stars, not caring if there were eyes watching.

as they pulled away from eachother murdoc squeezed 2d's butt, causing them both to giggle. just at that moment the car pulled up. they finished smoking and got inside the vehicle, singing along to the radio on the journey home.

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