ch. 2

407 16 1

Same day at 3pm

Mari Pov

We left out from the water park and went to McDonald's to get some tuh eat. Damn ah nigga hungry. I got two cheeseburgers and a coke while I got Missy and Tay  40 piece nuggets and fries. The rest of the gang got they food and we sat down and talk about random shit. Then this white boy walked up to the table and went to talk to Tay.

"Hey shawty. You real nice. Can I get you number?" he asked lickng his lips.

'Does this nigga not see me here or does he not know who we are.' i thought

"Ummm...." she said looking at me for help.

"Alright white boy. Time tuh bounce." i said not looking at him.

"And who the fuck are you dyke." he said. With that a snapped my head towards him.

"uh oh" i heard Zari mumble while sliding down his seat.

I started to get up givin this nigga a death glare.

"What. the. fuck. did. you. just. say?" I asked in a slow yet deep intimidating voice.

"You heard me dyke." he spat. I knew i coundn't do shit in the place so I looked at my brothers who knew exactly what to do.

Kari got up first "Come on buddy. Let's take a walk outside before she get yourself killed." he mumbled the last part. 

Zari and Chris followed behind. "Well this is gonna be fun." Chris said.

"Mistletoe." Missy said and he looked at her "Shut up and go help them." I laughed a little cause mama got attitude. Shit my fault.

"Whatever" he mumbled and walked out. The rest of us which was Tay, Missy and I sat and finished ate. Then we left. We met the boys outside smoking and the hopped in their cars and left. Missy rode back with me and as soon as we got to the crib that girl bolted up to her room.

"Huh. I guess she missed her bed." Tay laughed. We went inside and played some videos games in the living room. I was laying on Tay's lap when I heard a knock on the door. I groaned and got up to answer it. I looked through my cameras and groaned again. This stupid bitch out there with a child. I opened the door and she smiled at me with the kid on her hip.

"What do you want Lexi?" I asked in a bored tone. But the bitch kept smiling

'I something wrong with her face?' i thought

"I wanted you to meet your daughter, Janene." she said. I looked at her and then the child. "She's three. Which means she is yours since You and I were 17 when it happened." i was dumbstruck. 

'Damn could it really be mine?' Oh yeah btw I'm intersex. Meaning I got ah dick. No pussy here niggas. I was brought out of my thoughts by someone behind me clearing their throate. I turned around and saw Taylor with a raised eyebrow. I looked back at the door and saw Lexi mugging her.


"Yo what the fuck this bitch doing here?" Tay asked. I stayed silent.

"Who you callin bitch hoe?" Lexi said.

"AYY. If this my child don not be cussin. I will beat both ya'll."  I mugged both of them.

"Yo child? Aww Hell naw. You tellin me you believe this bitch? Za'Mari you have got to be kidding me." Tay said crossing her arms. By now everyone was at the door. Even missy.

"Missy go back to your room now." i used a stern voice which I never use on her. She looked at all off us and the kid and nodded before walking back upstairs. I sighed.

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