ch. 11

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Mari's POV

(After she left the bathroom)

I walked out of the bathroom to see something that sent me into overdrive. Lexi's bitch ass just hit Lizzy. Before I could think I ran over there and punched her square in the jaw.

"DO NOT FUCKING LAY YO MOTHERFUCKING HANDS ON MY SISTER!! I'VE BEEN PUTTING UP WITH YOUR BULLSHIT FOR TOO LONG!! BUT YOU WILL NOT TOUCH MY SISTER AND YOU MDOOST DEFINITELY ARE NOT GETTING MY DAUGHTER!!" I yelled at her. I heard Nene crying her eyes out but I was clouded by my anger. This bitch actually laid her hands on my sister and made my daughter cry.


When we got home, I put Janene to bed.

"Go help the girls." I told the boys. I called Dre.

"Andre." I said.

"Damn girl the feds could be listening" he chuckled.

"Dre I'm not in the mood. Find Alexia now and if you can't find her find someone who knows where she is. Like her sister or her brother." I told him.

"Is this a bad time to ask what she did?" he asked sounding nervous.

"She pissed me off big time." I said and hung up. I was on my way to the trap but I had a tail. I easily shook them off and got there safely. I have a feeling that this isn't going to end well for me.

"Double security." I told Jack my head off security. He nodded and followed my orders. I went to my office.

"She left town an hour ago." Dre said coming in.

"Which means she has help. Because we saw her an hour ago." I said.

"Her sister is still in town."

"Get her. now." I said. He nodded and left. Mikey burst through the door breathing heavy.

"Nate." he said. I grabbed my gun an ran outside. I saw Nate and about 10 niggas with him.

"The fuck do you want?" i aske him.

"The kid." he said

"So I'm guessing that bitch sent you."

"Watch it Za'Mari."

"Mane shut tuh fuck up. That BITCH aint getting Janene." I told him.

"Za'Mari I want my daughter now." the devil herself popped up.

"No." I said.

"Za'Mari give me my kid." Nate said. I laughed.

"Yo lying ass still ain't tell em'?" I asked Lexi. She stayed silent. I smirked. "Allow m then." I looked back at Nate. "Janene ain't yo daughter nigga. She mine." I said.

"And I'm supposed to believe that?" he asked.

"Go on Lexi. Tell him." Dre said.

"Tell me what?" he asked looking at her.

"Y-you a-aren't the f-father?" she stuttered out.

"What?" he asked sounding mad.

"That's right. I am. She brought Janene to me almost a year ago. She said that she got pregnant before she left. We did a DNA test and found out that Janene is biologically mine. But Janene started having nightmares about someone touching her. So Nate." he looked at me. Before anyone had time to react, I shot him in the chest. He fell to the ground and Lexi dropped beside him and started screaming her eyes out. I walked up to him and his guys aimed at me.

"Stand down or all of you die today." When they looked around, all they saw were red dots on them. I smirked when they dropped their guns. "This is what happens when you fuck with me and my family. You should've learned that when i killed your brother. But yo niggas don't listen." I spoke to Nate who was struggling to breathe. I looked at Lexi who's make-up was everywhere. "Take her down to the basement and finish her." I said as she started to cry more.

"No no please Mari I'm sorry." she cried out.

"I'm sorry to. I'm sorry Janene has to grow up with out her birth mother." I said emotionless. I looked back at Nate and he had his gun pointed at me. How tf did I miss that? He shot me in the stomach. I yelled out in pain an shot him twice. One to the hand and one to the head. Thank god his ass is dead. But I guess I'm next. I dropped to the floor an heard yelling.

"MARI!!!!!!!!!" It was Dre and Chris. They dropped beside me trying to stop the bleeding.

"Take care of everyone for me." I told him.

"NO no. Mari I'm not loosing you!" he yelled. I felt my eyes closing. I guess it's my time. "Za'Mari! Stay with us. Mari!!" i eyes finally closed and everything was silent.


"Za'Mari!!!!!!" I kept yelling her name as we waited for the ambulance. She was silent. "NO NO NO NO! MARI!!!!! NOOOOO!" I was literally crying. I can't loose her none of us can. She's like a sister to us. "CHRIS!! WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?!!?"

"They're here." he yelled. Paramedics were behind him as he ran to us. They got her on that thing they put people on and took her. We followed behind. I knew I had to call everyone. I calle Kylie's phone.

"Kylie. you and everyone get to the hospital now....... Mari got shot." I said. it was silent on the other side. Then I heard things crashing. The phone hung up and I kept driving.

"C'mon Mari. You gotta make it. We need you." I said to myself.


Ello Mates.

How are you all on this fine day?

My school has just reopened so I will not be able to update often. But I will update a lot this week since it's the least busiest. Have fun. If yall have ideas just dm me.

So what do you think will happen to Mari?

How do  you think her siblings will react?

I feel lik someone's gonna die. What do you think?

Keep reading to find out. I may update later on today again or tomorrow. If I feel like it.

Vote. Comment. Share.

Have a nice day my lovelies. ;)

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