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Kylie POV

Hi everyone I'm Kylie Morgan. I'm 17 and I'm from Minnesota. I moved to New York with my dad since my mom died 6 years ago. He got remarried to my stupid step mother. She hates me and always tries to convince my dad that I was a bad kid but it never worked. She even abuses me when My dad's not around. I never told him, cause he seems happy. 

Today is my first day at school and as soon as I pull up, some shit was going down with this girl and a group of bitch like people. It looked like it was getting rough when this fine ass stud pulled up and stopped it. She left after talking to this girl and the girl went into the school with some dude who I'm guessing is probably her boyfriend. I walked in and went to the office for my schedule and went to find my locker. It was next to the girl from the parking lot. She seemed nice so I asked her to help me find my classes.

"Umm... hi. I'm Kylie and I'm new here. I was wondering if you could help me out?" I asked. I'm not the shy type so it wasn't hard. She gave me a smile and said 'sure'. She looked over my schedule.

"I'm Missy. We have all the same classes together except one which you have with my brother." I told her thanks and we went to class. She's really cool. All the classes went by and it's time for lunch.

We were sitting at a table talking when someone started yelling.

"AY NIGGA!! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY BOUT MY SISTER?!?!" some dude yelled. I heard Missy mutter a 'shit' under her breath. Next thing I know the dude was throwing punches and then other guys came. Missy jumped up and ran to them along with Damien. I just stood there and watched. I mean what could I do?

"ZARI!! STOP!!!.....ZARI!!!" She was yelling at the dude pulling him. Damien grabbed another. 

"KARI!! CALM DOWN BRO. BEFORE THEY CALL YOUR SISTER!: He said. I guess they were twins.

"Yh. you need your dyke ass sister to fight your battles." one of the other guys said. I guess that sent Missy over the edge.

"NIGGA DO NOT BE TALKING SHIT BOUT HER!! YOU KNOW SHE CAN PUT YO ASS IN A GRAVE FASTER THAN YOU CAN SAY BOO!! she yelled. I guess the were talkin bout the stud from earlier.


"Yh. I'm a dyke who can beat yo stupid ass for touching my brothers and talking shit." a voice said behind me. I tuned around coming into eye contact with the stud.

"Step back shawty. You don't wanna get hurt." she told me. I did as told and stepped back.

She walked over to Missy and the others and told her something. Missy and Damien nodded and dragged Zari and Kari out of the lunch room.

"So who are you?" she asked the boy.

"I'm Nate." he replied. Her aura changed. It seemed dark and horrifying. Like his name meant something to her.

"Oh. So you're Monte's brother." she said. "Well then tell your brother to stay the FUCK away from my family. Or I'll end him and everyone he cares about." she said. Chills ran down my spine as she spoke. It was so intimidating yet sexy as fuck. By now security was already in he cafeteria. They looked like they were scared of something...or...... someone. Then it occurred to me. Where the fuck did she come form. Then this kid named Chris came. 

"MARI!!" the stud who is now known as Mari spinned around. "We need you in the office." he said. she nodded and he left. She walked up to me.

"What's your name shawty?" she asked.

"It's Kylie." she smired. "Why you smirking?" 

"Cause most people that know me would run. But I guess you new around here. So Kylie I'm Za'Mari. Don't worry. No one around here gonna mess with you." she said.

I smiled. "And why's that? I can handle myself." I told her.

"Cause they see you talking to me. And they don't like messing with me." I looked around and there was a lot of eyes on us.

"I guess that guy didn't get the memo" i pointed.

"Naw. Me and his brother got some beef. But ay let me getcho number." she gave me her phone and I gladly obliedged. I gave her mine and save her as Mari with heart eyes. "Ight. I gotta go deal with my brothers but imma hit you up later." She said. I said ok and she left the cafeteria and headed to the office. I smiled. Damn. She was fine. But defenitely not in high school.

Mari POV.

Dam. Shawty was fine as fuck. Imma have to get that.

"You do know she's 17 right? Andre asked as I told him bout shawty.

"Yh. And?" I asked.

"You 19, got a kid, a criminal record and the list goes on." he said.

"Nigga what the fuck is your point. It's a 2 year age gap. And she aint know allat." i told him.

"She might be new around here but people talk. They can tell her stuff."

"Well it's a good thing she hanging out with Missy and Damien." I smirked. He laughed and shook his head.

"Don't hurt the poor girl."

"I don't plan to."

Just then one of my guys came into my office. "Boss I think we foun her." he said which made me smile. He's talking about my little sister. My mom had her about 14 years ago but hid her from my dad since she wasn't his. Since before I got out I been tryna find her. He handed me a file. " Elizabeth Francis. Age14. She lives in the Caribbean with her adopted parents Gwen and Alex Francis. They adopted her when she was 4 from Boston and moved to Grenada when she was 6." He said. I smiled at the fact that I might actually get to see my sister. He gave us the address and contact number and left. I told Dre that I'm gonna go home since it was 10 at night and He said he was gonna stay the night since we still had people bringing in merchandise. 

I went home and took a shower. When I got out and put on a sports bra, boxers and basketball shorts. and laid down and went to sleep. Tomorrow I'm gonna go get my sister.

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