ch. 4

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Tuesday    3:26 am

I was awaken when I felt something shaking besides me. I open my eyes and immediately got up. Janene was having a fucking seizure. I woke up Taylor

"Taylor wake up. Janene is seizing." she shot up and went to call an ambulance.

"C'mon princess." I said trying to calm her down. She just kept shaking. I'm so fucking scared right now. My only daughter is having a seizure and this shit was scary.

"They said they're 10 minutes away." Taylor said.

"Tell them hurry up. Wake the boys." she ran out and did as told while I stayed and comforted my baby. After about 5 minutes she stopped moving. 

"Princess?" Nothing. "Janene. JANENE! SHIT!." she was unconciouss. "TAYLOR WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY!?!?!" I yelled. She ran in with 2 paramedics behind her. They put my daughter on a gurney and wheeled her out.

"Her pulse is faint. This was a serious one. Are you the mom?" He asked looking at Tay. She shook her head. "No I'm not. That's her dad." she said pointing to me as I grabbed my keys. The boys were up and getting ready to go to the hospital. The paramedic told me to get in the back with Janene and Taylor and the boy came to the hospital behind us.

When we got there, they ran tests on her while I was in the waiting room. I was bouncing my leg up and down and Taylor was pacing back and forth. My brothers were asleep when someone burst through the door.

"WHERE IS MY CHILD!!!!" it was Lexi. It was around 5 now and I forgot I called her. "MARI!! WHAT HAPPENED?!" She was so fucking annoying it's too early for this shit. I rubbed my temples.

"Damn. Stop being so fucking loud. It's five in the morning." I told her. "I felt something shaking next to me and woke up to her seizing. I woke up Tay-" she cut me off yelling AGAIN. I swear Imma knock her out.

"What the fuck was she doing there!?! Why the fuck is she here!!?" I almost punched her.

"FUCK!! DAMN ALEXIA! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN!!" I had a headache and she was making shit worse. But at least she shut up. " Taylor called the ambulance while I tried to calm Janene down. The boys woke up and 20 minutes into the seizure she was unconciouss. We've been here since after 3." Taylor came up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder.

10 minutes later.

We were sitting here waiting when the doctor came out "Family of...Janene Francis." I jumped up along with everyone else. "Who's mom and who's dad?" he asked. Lexi and I stepped forward and he scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm mom and she's dad." Lexi said. He looked like he was gonna ask how but Taylor but in.

"For god's sake. She's intersexual. Now tell us the results." she was angry.

"Well were you aware that your daughter had epilepsy?" we nodded "Well she has a severe case. She is only 3 and has shown signs. It usually doesn't develop until the age of ten." I was confused now.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Well she'll have to take meds and will have to get a service dog." he replied. He gave us and told us that we can take her home when she wakes up. 

We planed on going to the place tomorrow for a dog. We'll let her pick it out. We got home at around 7. I went back to sleep with Nene and Taylor went home. Tomorrow is the last day of summer so everyone is using today and tomorrow to prepare. As for me I gotta swing by the trap. Missy went with Taylor to go to the mall to get stationary or whatever. I gave her my credit card and I know that little girl gon max it out. Right now I just gotta worry about my daughter. She can't even be around bright lights so that means no driving at night. I sighed. It's gonna be a long day. 

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