ch. 15

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I was both excite an terrified. I wasn't there when my first child was born, but I will be there for the second one. We didn't know the gender because we wanted it to be a surprise. Kylie was in so much pain and I couldn't do anything about it. We got to the hospital an everyone was already there.

"Get me a doctor." I told them and soon Kari returned with one.

"Alright. Who's the father." he asked
"I am." I said and he nodded.

We went into a room and they gave her whatever it is they give pregnant people who are about to give birth.

(Time skip cause I can't right a birth scene)

It's been 6 hours and finally I heard cries of a baby. I looked away from Ky to see my son.

"It's a boy." The nurse said. They carried him to get cleaned up and then brought him back to us. She handed him to Kylie.

"He's beautiful." She said.

"Just like his momma." I said and she smiled at me.

"What should we name him?" she asked

I thought for a bit before coming up with a name. "How about Liam?" I asked her.

"Liam. I love that." she said hugging him. She fell asleep and I just sat there holding my son till the gang came in.

"He's so adorable." Missy squeaked trying not to make noise.

"What's his name?" Chris asked.

"Liam." I said. I looked at him and then at Nene. "Come say hi to your baby brother." I smiled at her. She shyliy walke over to me and looked at Liam.

"Cute." she said smiling. She touched his hand and he gripped her finger and she smiled more. I head a camera and looked up to see taylor and Dre taking pictures. She took one of him alone.

(as u can see, its a google baby

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(as u can see, its a google baby.)

Eventually Kylie got up and wanted him so i gave him to her. Then the most fucked up shit happened.

Three police officers bust in the hospital room scaring Nene and Liam in which Liam started crying.

"Za'Mari Andrews you are under arrest for the murder of Nate Mayfield and Alexia Richardson." One officer said. I was holding Nene so they couldn't grab me. Please release the child and come with us." He said.

"Hell naw she ain't going nowhere. Liam wouldn't stop crying and now Ky was also crying. I held onto Nene and walked over to the bed. I put her down and took Liam. It took a while but he stopped crying.

"Look. I am not leaving this hospital. My girlfriend just gave birth to my son as you can see and I'm not leaving them here. I don't care who the fuck you are you are going to leave me with my family. You try any shit and it won't result good. I'll go but not now." I said seriously.

They looked hesitant but nodded and left. Liam fell asleep and I put him back with Ky.

"You do know once you leave this hospital they'll be gunning for you right?" Dre asked.

"I know what's gonna happen when I leave that's why I'm staying in here right now." I said. "But if I do go back to jail, which I might, take care of them." I told him. He nodded.
"If you do, I'm gonna do everything I can to get you out." he said. I smiled knowing he will. I walked back over to Kylie and the kids and kissed her and their heads.

"I love you." I said and tears came down her face. I wiped them off but they just kept coming. "I love all of you. I'm gonna try and get out of this." I said. She kept crying and Nene came to hug me.

"I love you daddy." she cried.
"I love you too princess." I said as I felt my own tears.

I turned around after letting her go and came face to face with Lizzy.

"You promised" she was crying.
"I know. I know I did. And that's why I'm not gonna be gone long." I hugged her as she cried then everyone joined the hug.

"I'm sorry guys. I love you all." I said when I broke the hug.

"We love you too." Chris said. Missy didn't speak at all. I walked over to her but h wouldn't look at me.

"Hey." I said turning her face. "It'll be ok." I said.

After saying what had to be said I walked out of the hospital room and out the hospital in total. About 8 police cars were there and they were all aiming at me. There were people watching the whole thing. I raised my hand in surrender and 2 cops came and pinned me to the ground cuffing me. They told me my rights and I complied. They put me in the cop car and I looked out the window at the hospital to see the gang . They were all crying their eyes out. Especially Nene.

"DADDY!!" She yelled out trying to get to me. Missy held her back though. The car drove off and I finally let my tears fall.


I got sentenced to 30 years in prison. That sucks. But I knew it was coming. Dre is trying to get me out earlier but I know it's not going to be easy.

Kylie's POV

It's been a month and I'm still hurting. She took the fall for both murders even though I'm the one who killed Lexi.

I was cleaning our room while Liam was asleep and the kids where at school. I was packing clothes in the closet when I found a box. I opened it and it had money and passports and a letter. I walked out the closet and put the box down. I picked up the letter and it was addressed to me. So I opened it.


If you found the box it's because something happened to me. I either got killed or sent back to prison. Look you know that I love you and I love all of you. But I can't keep putting you guys in danger with what I do. Take what's in here and go start somewhere fresh. Everyone might be mad or even hate me for this but I need you guys safe. People are gonna know something happened to me and are gonna start coming for you. Dre already knew the plan for if something happened to me. But remember. I love you and I'm sorry.

I was crying now. She knew something was gonna happen. There is no way I'm leaving and she should know that. I love her too much.

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