Chapter 3 ~ 1955 ~ Firsts

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I started her clock just as her beautiful eyes met mine. It was her first move; kings pawn to E4.

Before I knew it, it was close to endgame and I was the clear winner. But something about the game stopped her from giving up. I liked that. I liked the puzzled look on her face. I liked how when she took a piece from me her eyelashes fluttered up, eyes glimmering with pride, even though she knew she didn't stand a chance.

I felt my heartbeat rise higher than it already was just by her being so close to me. I had checkmated her in a corner of the board with my queen and my remaining knight. It was probably one of the easiest games I have ever played, but I could never admit that to her. The game had lasted only 24 moves, and here I was, offering my hand to her again. A devilish smile spread across her face as she pushed my hand away and walked around the table. To my surprise, she rested her hand on my shoulder, as she lent up to kiss my cheek, sending shivers through my body at her touch.

I felt butterflies appear in my stomach. "I- um- well-" I said as I began to blush again. she giggled... it was adorable. I managed to pull myself together, and bow my hat to her. "Tough game" I lied. She twirled away from me, looked back and said "see you around Benny Watts" and skipped to the registration desk to hand in her sheet. "Wow" I whispered watching her as she leaves. I haven't ever felt this way before. She really was the one to make the first move.

Something about this trip just didn't feel real. Things were just too good to be true. I played two games after beating Martha, I won both quite quickly, I was easily one of the strongest players in the room and if I push myself hard enough I could win the tournament and become one of the youngest US open champions ever. First day was over and I felt myself relax, I don't need to go back to my room to study because my games had been so unchallenging. I go down into the restaurant and find a free table to sit down at. I open up the menu and look at the list of meals. I'm kind of a short on money at the moment so I steer away from the more expensive dishes and go for a good old hamburger and a coke. As the waiter serves my food a pair of sparkling green eyes catches my attention. Martha is sitting two tables away from me, reading a book. Her eyes flutter up to meet mine and I look away quickly so it looks like I wasn't staring at her. She smiles, purses her lips and to my surprise she stands up and walks over to my table.

She places the book down with a thud on my table. "Are we seriously still doing this" she exclaims. "what?" I say unsure what she means, "looking over at one another and turning away pretending we haven't seen eachother" she says smiling. My eyes find hers and I smile and say "so you were checking me out huh?" this time I'm not the one blushing.

Martha takes a seat opposite me and says "So Benny, what's it like being famous and ridiculously handsome? I splutter on my coke" wha-" I try to say before she bursts out laughing. This girl is just so unlike anyone I've ever met before, she's funny, smart, plays chess and is outrageously beautiful. I just can't describe her.

" Martha where are your parents?" I say trying to change the conversation back to her, "oh I came with my older sister Carol, my parents are back at home in New York because my dad is working" she says. This puzzles me as I wonder who she was on the plane with. "Wait did you say New York? I live there too!" I exclaim, how could I ever have lived in New York so long without ever knowing the most beautiful girl I've ever met lived there too. "oh my what a coinisidence, actually not really we were on the same plane Benny" she says rolling her eyes and smiling, I go red at my mistake and turn away to hide my embarrassment, she giggles and says "where are your parents then Benny? You asked about mine, I want to know about yours". "Oh I don't live with them anymore, I used my savings from chess to buy my own apartment and moved out" I say trying not to sound proud that I no longer had to be chauffeured around by my mother.

"oh wow! sounds amazing, I would love to live on my own it sounds so peaceful, how old are you Benny? You don't look old enough to live on your own that's for sure..." she asks, I'm struggling to make myself sound cool and grown up now "Well I'm 14, but I turn 15 in two days" I say realising as I told her that my birthday was in fact in two days and I would once again be spending my birthday at a chess tournament. "Wait its your birthday soon! oh Benny that's lovely, if I'm still here I would love to spend it with you! I'm 15 by the way, my birthday was last month" she tells me, I smile and tell her "that would be great, at least I won't be lonely if I've got you around".

We spend the rest of the evening chatting about our lives and until she says she has to go find her sister and go back up to her room. She stands up and before I can stop myself I reach out and grab her hand. "Hey Martha, would you mind if you closed your eyes for a second I want to give you something" I ask her, "sure Benny, anything for you..." she replies. I stood up and walked over to face her. Looking at her smooth, freckled face, I placed a delicate kiss on her cheek. Her eyelids fluttered open "what was that for?" she asks me quietly while smiling, "a kiss for a kiss" I whisper into her ear , trying to remember what it felt like for her perfect lips to be on my cheek. "Hey Martha... I've been wondering..." I say nervously, "how come you disappeared at the airport? I saw you go off with a man and I wondered who he was..." She meets my eyes once again "you know what Benny?" She says with a flustered look. "Wha-" I start to say before she cuts me off by quickly leaning in with her hands on my chest, and giving me a light kiss on the lips. This is my first kiss, and I don't think it could have been more perfect. This was nothing like the kiss on the cheek she gave me earlier, this was less innocent. This was real. It felt like the world had frozen around us as we shared this moment together.

Martha pulled away, blushing like crazy "Look I know we haven't known each other for long, but I couldn't help it. You are so handsome Benny. I feel like we just understand eachother" I stood in front of her, shocked and lost for words. "I um- its getting late." I said in a hurry. "Well goodnight then Benny" Martha says in a smug tone as she struts away down the hallway.

I rushed into my room. "Wow" I thought. I just had my first kiss with the green eyed girl. Although, there was something off about Martha. She dodged my question. She dissapears at random times with no explanation. There is something I can't quite put my finger on when it comes to her......

something doesn't feel quite right.


ooooh sorry to leave ya on a cliff hanger there guys.....

Benny had his first kiss how excitingggg but with the most dodgy girl ever so ew

us right now as we are writing :

hope you liked this chapter

love from your favourite authors
newty and dobby xoxo

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