Chapter 9 ~ 1967 ~ Broken Buttons

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It's Sunday morning, and we are low on food. Beth is sitting on the couch reading a chess magazine, and I'm trying to work out what we can eat. "Let me check the fridge again. Maybe I missed something" I say. "Benny, you have checked the fridge 10 times now. Nothing is going to have appeared in the last 30 seconds!" Beth exclaims jokingly. Then I have an idea and rush to ask Beth... "why don't I take you out shopping?". she replies flustered "Oh um... that would be great".

We both get ready to leave, and I lock the door behind us. Beth follows me upstairs and down a few blocks until we arrive at a long street of stores. Beth walks alongside me, our arms slightly brushing as we go. She looks around mesmerised by the thousands of windows and shops. We grab donuts as we walk on our way down the street. As we pass a dress shop, Beth's pace slows. I can tell she wants to go inside, and I just want to make her happy, so I decide to treat her. "Hey, why don't I buy you something?" I ask cautiously (I don't want her to think I'm just buying her something to impress her). Her brown eyes peel away from the shop window in surprise "oh Benny you don't have to-" she says before I cut her off; insisting and brushing off her excuses. I pull open the door, letting Beth move past me and inside the shop.

She runs around excitedly like a puppy, picking up clothes and dresses left and right. I follow behind her; holding my arms out to be used as a human coatrack. "What a gentleman." I hear an old woman say from behind me. We both spin round to face her. "You've picked a good one! He will be a nice husband to you someday darlin'!" She exclaims in a southern accent. Beth and I are both startled by the comment, and so Beth rushes to correct her. But before she can reply, I interrupt her "I hope I will be." I say casually. Beth goes bright red as the woman walks away smiling, "how hilarious" she says sarcastically. I hope that Beth doesn't think I was joking, because I was deadly serious. "Um- lets go to the changing rooms" Beth says; changing the subject. "After you" I reply, guiding her to the other end of the shop with my arm.

I wait at the other side of the curtain that Beth is changing behind. I hear the sound of a zip being moved down, and I see the skirt of a dress being dropped to the floor; exposing her bare legs. I refrain from looking behind the curtain, and so I just leave it all down to my imagination. A few moments later, my thoughts are interrupted by a shout from Beth in front of me. "Benny? Are you there? I cant get these buttons undone" she calls out. I stand up from the chair that I'm sitting in, and stroll over to the closed curtain. My heart skips a beat as i pull it out of the way to reveal Beth, standing alone in the small cubicle, looking perfect. I slip behind the curtain with her, and squish into the small space; our bodies dangerously close. "I cant get the buttons undone... could you do them for me?" Beth whispers into my ear. Her words send shivers down my spine. She turns around carefully in her heels; her hips brushing my thigh as she goes. I move my hands up to the top of her neck, and I begin to slowly undo the tiny red buttons down her back. My heart rate rises, the further I go.

Her chest rises and falls as she begins to breath heavily at my touch. My fingers lightly brush the smooth skin of her back, travelling lower and lower past her bra strap. The silence in the room is deafening. After what seems like a lifetime, I have undone all the buttons and Beth's back is fully exposed. My hands hover at the end of her back, as I say "that's it". "thanks" she whispers. I place my hands on the top of her arms, moving my thumbs in circles; caressing her skin. "Anytime" I say. I meet her eyes in the mirror as i smirk; giving her a wink before slipping back outside the curtain, leaving her to get changed into her normal clothes. Returning to reality.

Beth exits the cubicle holding a dark green dress. "This is the one "she says holding it up against her body. "Cute. Goes nicely with your hair" I say, not really sure what else to say because I had an obvious lack of knowledge when it comes to fashion. We go up to pay at the counter and as I'm handing the money over to the cashier she says "You two make such an attractive couple!". People keep on thinking we are a couple today and honestly I don't mind it. Beth gives me a side eye and smiles "Yes! He is such an amazing boyfriend, aren't you Benny Boo". I play along "I sure am, princess" giving her a wink. The cashier smiles and says "Well I hope you both have a lovely day". We leave the shop, both of us gasping for air after laughing so hard. "Oh my god that was so funny!" Beth exclaims, "next time we definitely need to tell the someone that I'm pregnant so we get a discount". I laugh and say "Maybe I will even fake propose to you so we get free dinner".

Maybe is a Loser's word ~ Benny Watts FanficWhere stories live. Discover now