Chapter 13 ~1967 ~ Fallen King

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She lost. I can't believe she lost.

Beth Harmon lost. I don't think I've ever had those words come out of my mouth.


"Beth please come home" I tell her through the phone. I can hear the low buzz of the airplane in the background. "No. I need to get back to lexington, I want to be alone." Beth replies. I pause for a second "Why? So you can get drunk?" I feel the eyeroll through the phone "Good and drunk sounds nice". Is she really doing this to me? I can't believe any of this. "Beth what happened out there? You were so prepared" I ask her, concern edging into my voice. She sighs and says "I was just in the bar with Cleo and I got a little drunk that's all Benny-" My mind starts and I interrupt "Cleo? you were with Cleo?!! She got you drunk?!".

I knew Cleo had something to do with this. I knew she still liked me but I didn't think she would ruin someone else's life to get to me.

"Benny, I got myself drunk don't blame Cleo" Beth adds, her breathing suddenly getting faster. "Come back to New York plea-" I say before she interrupts "I need to go. Bye."

The line goes dead.

I can't believe it. She promised to come back.

She promised.

I slam the phone down and push myself further back into the chair I'm sitting on.

She would rather be drunk than be with me.

I press my temples with my forefingers. We need to figure all of this out. I should call her again later and convince her to come back. But first I need to call my lovely friend Cleo.


"Ah! Salut Benny" Cleo's voice echos through the phone. "You got Beth drunk." I say bluntly. She clicks her tongue "I didn't get her drunk Benny..... she got herself drunk, I may have just paid for the drinks a little bit". I can feel myself getting angry now, "You knew that tournament was important to her Cleo! and you got her drunk anyway, why would you do that to her? Why would you do that to me?!?!.

Cleo sighs through the receiver "She's not good for you Benny". I roll my eyes "what and you are?!".

"All I'm saying is, she can only hurt you. Trust me I know what's best for you" She tells me, I tap the table with my fingernails.I hesitate before I talk.

 "I love her. I love Beth.".

"Benny I-" Cleo starts to say before I interrupt her again "Do you know what Cleo? Don't call me. Don't come by my house. We're done. Don't come anywhere near me or Beth. Goodbye." and with that I hang up the phone.

I look across the room and notice the chess board laid out on the coffee table. The pieces still in place from the game Beth and I were playing yesterday. I clench my fist in anger as I get up and run over to the coffee table. Before I knew it I had flipped the table; the chess board and all it's pieces fly across the room, scattering the floor. I fall to my knees, letting my emotions wash over me. "Why won't she come back?" I ask myself, tears splashing on to the concrete floor.

I've never cried like this before. Never over a girl anyway. I've always kept my emotions bottled up inside of me these years, never letting anyone know how I truly feel. I get back up from my knees and dust myself off, wiping away my frustration about everything that's going on.

Maybe is a Loser's word ~ Benny Watts FanficWhere stories live. Discover now