Chapter 14 ~ 1967 ~ A fun surprise

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I drunkenly walk my way home from the bar; struggling to keep my balance. It turns out that I had much more to drink than I thought, although I've always been a bit of a lightweight. After about 20 minutes of walking, I stumble inside my apartment that I had apparently left unlocked. I collapse onto one of the beanbags in my living room, and pass out.

My eyes slowly open to the bright light shining through the windows of my kitchen. I look over at the clock situated on the wall "shit...its 10:46am"I think to myself; my thoughts thick and cloudy. I feel my temples pulse with pressure from the drinks I had drank last night. Why on earth did I have to get drunk? I mean, its not like me at all.

I have only ever had a hangover twice in my life, and I wasn't planning on adding another to the list. I know I only drank out of the pain, that pain was from Beth leaving me.

I need to see her.

A second later I'm on the phone booking a seat on a flight to Lexington, Kentucky.


I never called Beth to tell her I was coming. It will be more of a surprise. A fun surprise.

As I'm boarding the plane to Lexington I pass a young boy about 11 sitting alone in a window airplane seat. He's wearing a large brown coat and obviously 2 sizes to big black leather shoes. He reminds me of myself when I was 11.

My father used to give me and my brother Sebastian his old clothes. That's why I ended up with his jacket (which I've worn since I was 14 nearly everyday).

I look down at my ticket. "seat 4B" I read. Its the seat next to the boy in a brown coat.

I smile at the boy and take a seat next to him.

His large blue eyes look up at me and he breaks out into a large grin. "Hi, I'm Christopher" he tells me. I nod and smile back to him "I'm Benny. Nice to meet you kid". I take out my mini chess set from my pocket and place it on the fold out table in front of me. Christopher starts chatting in my ear while I move the pieces around my board.

"I'm going to see my dad in Lexington. Oh and Im meeting my new step mom. My mom doesn't like her because my dad had an affair and got her pregnant, my mom calls her bad words that I'm not allowed to say. Hey Mr Benny sir what-" he gibbers before I interupt.

"Hey kid can you be quiet for a second I'm trying to concentrate here"

"oh right.... sorry Mr Benny....." He replies, a sad tone edging into his voice. Damn I feel bad for the kid now, he's just being a kid, a chatty annoying kid..... just like I was.

I pause before speaking to Christopher while fiddling with the chess pieces. "Do you wanna play then?"

His eyes light up "really? I've never played before though..." he squeals excitedly.

"I guess I will have to teach you then kid". I'm not really one for teaching if I'm being honest, but it's for Christopher so I don't mind.

The plane takes of about 15 minutes later as Christopher and I are playing.

He leans over and picks up my rook on the opposite side of the board. "what does this do?" he asks, eyes filled with wonder. I smile and take the rook off him "It moves vertically and horizontally, oh and this is my rook. That one over there is yours". I move the rook forward and backwards, showing him how it moves.

We play for a while pausing every couple of minutes so I can explain what's going on.

Surprisingly, Christopher isn't half bad at chess. He took a piece away from me within the first few moves.

He looks up at me and says "am I winning?". This kid......

I smirk "Sure kid. You're winning."

He smiles a toothy grin at me again and moves another piece.


About an hour later we land and I say goodbye to Christopher.

I hope all his family stuff works out, I know how hard divorce can be on a kid.

I'm collect my bag from the luggage collection and find a taxi to take me to Beth's house.

I give her address to the taxi driver and he starts the car.

We drive for about 20 minutes, passing trees and open fields. We also pass a place called Methuen Home for girls, which I'm guessing is some sort of orphanage.

I couldnt imagine anything worse than living in an orphanage, I wonder is Beth knows anything about it. She lives around here she might know someone who has lived there.

Within 10 minutes we had arrived at Beth's house.

I pay the taxi driver and get out of the taxi to get my bags from the trunk.

Her house has a tidy front lawn and pretty little pink flowerbeds lined in front of the house.

This is not Beth at all. I would have never imagined she would live here. It's as though she is living in someone else's house.

I walk down the path and knock on the door. I'm nervous to see her. I haven't seen her in weeks and she did just skip on me. I hope she's happy to see me.

I knock. No answer. I ring the door bell. No answer. I knock again. Still no answer.

I can hear music so I know she's home. I peer through her front window and I see a disheveled Beth lieing on the sofa, passed out, drunk. Bottles surround her along with a chess board with the pieces strone on the floor around her.

I can't believe she's doing this to herself. She has such a bright future and she's throwing it all away over one bad game.

I thought she would be smarter than this.


I turn and walk away from her house. She doesn't want to see me and frankly I'm not sure I want to see her if she's like that.

Why did I come here? Did I really expect a friendly kiss followed by a homecooked meal?

I'm pathetic. Our whole relationship is a joke and I came all the way here for nothing.

I know she needs help but don't know how to help her.

She keeps on pushing me away and I can only hold on for so long.


Sorry besties it's a short one today but it's all we can really do at the moment

Promise the next one will be longer

So what do you think about this chapter?

In the next chapter Harry Beltik comes in and it gets very exciting


love you guys <3

newty and dobby
🌿              🧦

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