Chapter 16 ~1967~ The waiting game

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"hey bby gorl" Benny says to Beth. "You lookin fineeeee af😏😏😏"


okay back to the story


After leaving the cafe, I walk down the street to the pharmacy to pick up a magazine for the flight back to New York. The pharmacy is small, with green peeling paint on the walls, containing a counter and a couple of shelves piled with stuff.

I enter and walk over to one of the shelves and pick up a chess magazine with my face on it. I flick through the pages, scanning the contents and the man at the counter turns to me and says "you read it. you buy it", while pointing a finger to the sign above my head.

I sigh and stroll over to the counter, slamming the magazine in front of him, along with a few dollars. As he's ringing me up, he looks at the magazine cover and says "isn't that you?". I nod, pulling the brim of my hat down over my eyes slightly.

The cash register clinks and the man hands me back the magazine. "Thanks" I mutter, storming out of the shop, jacket flowing behind me.

I stick out my hand and a cab pulls over. I climb in and throw my bag on to the seat beside me. "Where to?" the driver asks me, "The airport".


I stomp down the stairs and unlock the large metal door to my apartment. I walk into the darkness and flick the light switch on, It was all exactly how I left it. Empty of Beth.

I vowed to myself that Beth was never going to find out about me flying to Lexington to see her or setting up the little intervention with Harry Beltik.

Now I play the waiting game. A call from Harry hopefully telling me that he's convinced Beth to stop drinking and got her to play in the kentucky state championship.

I clumsily drop my bag on the floor of my bedroom and sink down on to my bed. I close my eyes and let myself drift into the comforting arms of sleep.


I wake suddenly to the sound of my telephone. I hastily throw my legs out of my messy unmade bed and rush over to the phone, I pick it up and slam it to my ear. "Hello?" I say, listening into the silence awaiting a response. "Benny? It's Harry Beltik." Harry Beltiks voice fills my ears. "Did you speak to Beth? " I ask. "No, she didn't open the door but I did speak to the organiser of the Kentucky state championship and he is going to call her begging her to come and make an appearance" he tells me.

Honestly I'm surprised she wouldn't speak to Beltik, but I'm glad that there might be a chance at getting Beth to that tournament. I mean, she could easily win it, it was just about getting her to show up - sober.

Harry and I talk about Beth for a few more minutes before realising that she was the only thing we had in common - besides chess. Not long afterwards Beltik eagerly says goodbye and hangs up the phone; the receiver echoing a dull buzz through to my ear.


A few weeks pass by, and I still haven't heard anything from Beth. Her absence has made me realise that without her, I hardly get anything done. I mean, I took part in some chess tournaments but none of them were serious commitments.

Most of the time I just sit and study in my Apartment, but that's a pretty boring thing to do all alone. Especially when you are distracted by your own thoughts.


I lay down on one of my beanbags and begin to read the chess magazine I picked up when shopping earlier today. I am taken aback to realise that the face my hand was covering on the frontpage, was Beth's.

I sit up and urgently flick through the pages to find the article on Beth. I'm so happy to see her face again.

As I study the black and white picture, I discover that I had forgotten how beautiful she really was.

The article is an update on Beth's most recent achievements. I guess she did go to that tournament - and more.


Another day passes, and I'm still in a good mood due to Beth's article. I sit in my living room studying pawn structure on one of my many chess boards. As I pick up a pawn to move its position, I am startled by the sound of the phone ringing on the wall as it interrupts my silence. I jump and the piece drops from my hand to the floor. I haven't been getting many calls recently, although, I don't get very many calls anyway.

I grasp the phone and bring it to my ear "Hello?" My deep voice whispers.

"Benny? Is that you? It's Beth. I- I need to talk to you"


Hey again bestiess

We are so sorry again this took ages, but we are trying to post as regularly as possible.

We hope you liked this chapter though!

Feel free to add any comments with suggestions to the story.

We appreciate every read, comment, and vote we get on here :)

Lots more love from your besties

Newty and Dobby xoxo

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