Chapter 5 ~ 1963 ~ All pawns and no hope

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Its been 5 years since I first won the US open. Since then I've won it every year and I've become US champion for chess. I've had on and off relationships with girls I've met over the years, never really becoming attached to any of them. One being with a model called Cleo who I met on a bridge that she was going to jump off. It lasted a couple of months, but I never really had strong feelings towards her so the relationship ended pretty quickly. However, she ended up being a great friend. I tend to focus on chess most of the time not really doing much else.

I have a few other friends here in New York, they are also grandmasters. We get together on the weekends to play speed chess and mini tournaments. Speed chess is how I earn money when I'm not playing in the big tournaments. Unfortunately I got into the habit of playing poker and have recently started gambling money in the hopes of earning more which has resulted in the loss of more money in the first place.

This morning I went out to the corner store, a couple of blocks away, to pick up bacon, eggs and the latest copy of the chess review. I put my shopping on the table and slump down into the armchair in my living room whilst holding the magazine. I look at the front cover expecting it to be relatively the same as it usually is and to my surprise its not. On the cover there is a girl. A young girl with round hazel eyes and auburn hair, sitting in front of a chess board. She had the same look of realisation on her face as I did my first interview, she had just discovered that the press comes along side being a chess prodigy and they will forever be intruding on her life. Intrigued, I turn the page and read the article about her. She won the Kentucky state championship and beat Harry Beltik, she had no rating, it was one of the first tournaments she has ever played. As I read, details about her life kept on coming up and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. "A car crash killed her mother and then she was sent to an orphanage...poor kid" I thought, I found myself comparing my life to hers, knowing that she had been through much more than me.

I read on " Beth Harmon, aged 15, has revolutionised the world of chess for girls and women everywhere. She brings inspiration and hope for young girls who want to make it in the chess industry. Elizabeth hopes to compete world wide and is considering playing a tournament later this year in Cincinnati .". I notice the article mentions Elizabeth (or Beth) being a girl frequently more than it should, overbearing any of Beth's accomplishments and constantly referring to her being a girl and nothing more. It doesn't mention her chess skills or any of her games as they usually do when they interview a chess player such as myself. When I read my own articles, all they talk about is how well I've played, who I played and my positions on the chess board. This slightly annoyed me, I want to know how well she's played, she's obviously good, maybe even as good as me.

I want to meet her. The article mentions she's playing in Cincinnati so I might go down to observe some of the games and hopefully I will bump into her there. Before I could stop myself, I've already booked a ticket for a 3 hour flight to Cincinnati.

*2 months later....*

I step of the plane into Cincinnati airport, feeling a warm breeze on my face. At this time of year the weather was slightly warmer so its refreshing. I hop in a taxi and the driver takes me to the hotel that the tournament is being hosted at. I'm staying with a friend, who lives in the city nearby....well you could call her a friend....more like a friend with benefits. I walk through the glass doors looking around, a reporter spots me and rushes over "Mr Watts! Are you playing in the tournament? he asks me. I shake my head and say "Stuff like this can only bring you down you know, ruins the reputation..". I skulk away, pulling my hat over my eyes to avoid any unwanted attention. I find a seat at the top of the main stairs and sit down to take out my chess board. A group of men walk over to me, as they get closer I vaguely recognise some of them. A man wearing a suit and glasses speaks first "Benny Watts right? I'm Arnold Smith, I played you in a tournament last year, you beat me ass..." I look at him, trying to recall this random dude who I played. "Yeah, good to see you Smith" I lied, not remembering this guy at all. "Well I was hoping you would give me some tips, if you have time" he asks me, "Sure" I reply, "Take a seat then". Smith takes a seat opposite me and the guys with him surround us and the chess board. We play through a game he had played in the past and I show him every mistake he had made throughout the game.

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