Chapter 12 ~ 1967 ~ Falling for her

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My mother is standing at my door clutching her little leather handbag. My jaw almost hits the floor. I haven't seen her in years yet she is still happy to turn up at my door unannounced. What the hell does she want from me?!

I stand opposite my Mother with a blank expression on my face. "What the fuck do you want?" I exclaim; sighing. She seems taken aback by my tone, as if she was expecting me to happily welcome her inside without a thought. "I- I wanted to see how you were doing Benjamin!" She says while laying a hand on my arm gently and moving me aside as she walks into my house.
Her heels click as she stumbles down the stairs from my front door until she arrives in the middle of the room. "Oh..." she says. "I see you have company Benjamin.... well I wont be long" she adds while looking Beth up and down in disgust.

"Im sorry, I should have introduced you" I say. "Beth, this is my... Mother". Beth glances up at me, unsure of how to act. "Hi Mrs Watts. It's really nice to meet you". Beth says while stretching out a hand. "Oh! How kind!" My Mother says. "Well, Much kinder than some of the other women I have met working in these types of..... services". She adds; grimacing as she touches Beth's hand. "Im sorry what did you say?" Beth replies, confused. "Oh don't worry honey! I understand your position. Lower class women have to do whatever it takes to make money in times like this. Even if it does make you a whore!" She says again; . A look of shock spreads across Beth's face, and I'm enraged. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I shout. My blood boils in anger. How could she be so rude?. "Get the hell out of my house" I say sternly. "What? What did i do wrong? Look Benjamin you know why I'm really here. Just give me the money and I will leave you alone! Then you can sleep with as many sluts as you want!" She shouts back at me; surprised.

I grab a wad of cash out of the box in my bedroom and slam it down on the table." Take it and leave" I spit at her. She scowls at at me "don't speak to me like that Benjamin. I am your mother".

"The moment dad and Sebastian left, you decided not to be my mother so don't give me that shit." The anger rises in my voice, my face growing red. My mother doesn't even answer, instead she angrily grabs the money off the table and stuffs it into her purse and runs out the door.

Beth sits at the table looking pale as a sheet." Well your mom is..... lovely...." she croaks. I walk back over to sit opposite her at the table "Look, Beth, I am so sorry for what happened. She's out of her mind". Beth shakes her head and smirks slightly. "I mean I've never got the hooker card before that's for sure". I hold a chuckle.

"Are you sure you are okay.... she was quite intense...." I say camly, holding a solem look on my face. She looks up at me a replies "Benny, It's fine. Honestly. I mean no one's mother is perfect and I'm not taking it personally..... its not a big deal". Before I can get another word out she says "Also, how could you not tell me your full name is Benjamin?!". I smile, and tap my fingers on the table. "Did you actually think my full name was Benny? I thought it was pretty obvious that it stood for Benjamin". Beth throws her hands up to her head, ruffling her hair with her fingers "I mean it could have stood for..." she pauses for a second "-Benson? Oh or Bennett. Maybe even Benedict?". We both burst out into laughter, putting the last thirty minutes behind us.


Over the next few days, Beth and I grow closer. Emotionally and physically. I can feel myself falling for her more everyday. If I'm not careful I'll hit the ground to hard amd knock myself out.

Falling in love is dangerous territory. That's why I've always denied my feelings for every girl I've ever liked, it can only ever get you hurt.

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