Chapter 17: Schizophrenic

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I was escorted outside into the gardens, where Queen Hero sat waiting for me. As I approached her, she gave me a large smile. "Lady Cordelia, come and take a seat."

I nod, giving her a smile of my own before taking the seat across from her. "Good evening, your majesty."

"How has everything been, Cordelia? May I call you that?"

I look up at her and continue to smile. "That's just fine."

Whenever I looked into her eyes I always felt a small amount of guilt building up inside me, which was completely ridiculous. I shouldn't be feeling. I needed to get a grasp on myself. I was being foolish.

"I asked you out here today so I could get to know you better." She says as she pours herself and I some tea. "It seems you have made quite the impression on both of my sons."

I nod. "I guess so," I say before taking a sip of tea, wanting to give myself a moment to think before she carried on the conversation.

"Do you plan on choosing one to fight for, Cordelia?" Hero asks carefully as I place my cup down.

"Pardon me, your majesty, but even if I did, what would the problem be if I didn't?"

Hero sighs as she stares down at her cup. "I don't want either of them getting hurt."

"But aren't they doing the same thing to us?" I ask carefully, not wanting to make her upset. "I understand why you don't want them getting hurt, they are your children. But what if I want to fight for both of them? What if I fall harder for one than the other?"

"I'm trying to prevent that." Hero says gently as she looks up at me with soft eyes. "I don't want anyone to get their heartbroken. It's a horrible thing. And I know I can't prevent my sons from heartbreak, it's impossible. But I can certainly try."

I nod. "I understand. So what exactly are you asking of me?"

She becomes uncomfortable and squirms a little in her seat. "I hear what you are saying, Cordelia. When I was in Everette's selection, I felt the same way. It was either Anders or Everette, and I thought it was fair to date both of them... But you aren't here for my sons to fight over your heart, you're here to fight for theirs. If you continue to play with both of them, one will not choose a wife they love completely. How is that fair?"

She had a point, but from what I learned nothing is fair. There is no such thing as fair. If life was fair, I wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't be trying to marry a man I don't love just to escape a horrible life. I would believe in love in the first place.

But nonetheless, I could not argue with the queen of Illéa.

"I understand what you're saying. I'll... Choose one to fight for." I try to say like I'm uncomfortable.

Hero smiles and reaches over to pat the top of my hand. "I'm sorry, dear. Please do not think any less of me." she pulls her hand back and folds them in her lap. "Now that I got the hard part over with, I would love to get to know you."

You actually wouldn't, but you would love to know Cordelia Schreave.

So she did.


"I asked you to help me, not spit out constant riddles about where I can find the information I need."

I roll my eyes and flip through pages of an old book while sitting on the old chair Forrest tried to clean. "They aren't riddles. I'm telling you how to find them,"

Forrest hops off the stool and puts his hands on his hips, glaring down at me. "Why can't you just say: 'That book over there looks pretty helpful.'"

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