Chapter 21: Phase Two

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Forrest didn't visit me again after our little conversation the other day. However, his twin brother came by all the time. Whenever Harlan was free, and even if he wasn't supposed to be free... He was here.

Today was the same as the past week. I was sitting in my hospital bed, reading through a magazine. My personal preference did not involve the world of gossip and social media. I would rather learn more about history to further my understanding. And, of course, manipulate my knowledge of it to work to my advantage. But today was different. It was different because this issue was most recent, about a couple days ago, and there was a Report I missed. When I saw Illéa's favorites all listed, I almost wanted to chuck the magazine across the room.

Taylor did something yesterday, and whatever she did managed to land her to the place of number one.

The magazine only listed five girls, and those girls went in the order of: Taylor, Cora, Octavia, Felicity, and Shannon.

I didn't even know there was a girl named Shannon in this selection.

In the corner there was another article, and a poll was taken to show the prince's favorite. Something weird settled in my stomach when I saw Felicity listed as Harlan's favorite, and Taylor listed as Forrest's favorite.

And by something weird settled in my stomach, I mean a burning feeling that just made me want to curl up in a ball. I suppressed it like I always do and just stared down at the page. There was an article on why these girls were the favorites, and I don't think I had the injured stomach to read it.

I missed The Report. Now I was behind.

I hear footsteps and the door to my hospital room opens. "Cordelia, the nurse told me you are allowed to eat ice cream now-" Harlan stops speaking as he notices the magazine I was reading.

I had to admit he looked adorable with two ice cream cartons balanced in one arm while he held bowls and spoons in the other.

Harlan scrambled to settle them down on a nearby table and walked over to me. "Are you reading about what happened on the report?" He asks carefully.

"No." I admit. "I really don't want to." I say. "All I see are lists and pictures that I am nowhere near a part of."

It's like I disappeared. They listed runner-up selected, and I wasn't even on that.

"Cordelia, we sent a lot of girls home." Harlan says. "We only have ten left. Illéa and whoever wrote that magazine probably thought you were sent home."

"But you announced the names." I say and close the magazine. "Harlan, I don't need comforting. I didn't come here expecting to be Illéa's favorite, that's obviously Taylor."

"I am going to tell you something." Harlan says as he attempts to lie down next to me on my small hospital bed. "When it comes down to it," he says, playing with a piece of my sheet. "None of that matters, because they aren't making the decision. My brother and I are making the decision."

"Harlan," I say and turn to face him. "Of course these matter. You are a human being, and all human beings are perceptible to other's opinions. You may have an idea in your head, but once the pressure begins to present itself, you will second guess everything you previously thought. It's how the brain works, and it's not your fault. Doubt is a powerful thing."

Harlan blinks at me, not knowing what to say. I laid my philosophy down pretty thick, and I felt slightly bad for unleashing that side of me. I suspect only Forrest understood what I said half the time when it came to my thoughts, and that scares me. It scares me because it made me realize how terrifyingly similar we are.

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