Chapter 27: Old Habits

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After losing the crowd and escaping the mayhem, we were both out of breath. It reminded me how out of shape I was.

"You run pretty fast." Forrest smirks as he adjusts his hat.

I ignore his comment and look around me. I dove into an ally way at the last second to lose some of the crowd. "Which way do we go to get to the archives?" I turn and face him.

Forrest yawns and stretches out his legs. "Give me a second."

I shoot one of my 'extremely irritated' looks at him as he then precedes to stretch his arms. Forrest glances over at me and winks. "Ah, still so sexy as usual, Cordelia."

"Forrest, come on." I sigh tiredly. "We can't be gone all day. Which way are we headed?"

Forrest walks out of the ally and into the street. He looks both ways before turning left. I assume I'm supposed to follow him and run to catch up.

"It's usually east from the fruit stand over there." He says, gesturing to a small stand with brightly assorted fruits.

We continue walking, trying not to draw attention to ourselves. A relatively big fight broke out among the area we left. It seemed that people were getting more violent after the recent attack to the palace.

We finally approach the tall building I saw earlier, and the only building that looked like the product of modern technology. Forrest and I walk up the stone path leading to two rotating doors, ones I have only seen in movies.

I hesitate just a little bit, not exactly sure how to do this. Forrest easily saunters into an open gap and follows the motions of the automatic door. I finally get over myself and quickly slip through a gap then sprint out once I have the opportunity. I felt too entrapped in there. The space was too small.

There is a desk across the room with an older woman about ready to fall asleep.

"We have to sign in." Forrest says as he walks toward the lady.

"What?" I say confused. "Doesn't that defeat the purpose of going under cover?"

Forrest shrugs carelessly and approaches the desk. I feel my palms curl up into fists. Can he ever just listen to me for once?

"Good morning, Darla." Forrest says, surprisingly good at an italian accent. He then rests his elbows on the surface of the table. I walk up next to him and nervously play with my fingers. An old habit I used to have.

Perfect. Now it was coming back. It seemed like a lot of old habits were returning.

"Good morning, Prince Romeo." The old woman says with a smile. "Did you just fly in?"

"Yes I did." Forrest nods. "And I couldn't help but visit my favorite Illéan citizen."

"I'm sure that's a lie, dear. But I appreciate it." Darla smiles warmly. "What are you searching for today?"

"Do you have anything specifically on King Clarkson? Any letters he may have written or records?" Forrest asks nonchalantly. However, Darla pauses for a minute with a raised eyebrow.

"I've been looking in the wrong place," Forrest says with a sigh. "I think I may have found the right path to follow."

All of this was so confusing I didn't even try to analyze it.

Darla's suspicion immediately disappears. "Of course, your majesty."

"You know you don't need to call me that," Forrest waves off and she laughs.

"Alright let me have a look," she clicks away, her focus now directed toward the screen. It took a few minutes, but it wasn't long before I heard the sound of a printer behind me and a small receipt looking piece of paper flitters out. She catches it and hands it to 'Romeo'. "Seventh floor." Darla smiles.

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