Chapter 40: False Regret

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Daisy looks up at me and straightens her back. Just as I storm over toward her, Harlan blocks my path. "Cordelia," He sighs. "Can I talk to you?"


I take a deep breath and nod. "Of course," I cut my eyes over to Daisy who continues to make my bed.

"What I did the other night- I'm sorry. That's not me." Harlan says sadly. "I was just-"

"You were jealous." I finish for him. I take his hand in mine and give him a sympathetic smile. "I've been jealous before too, Harlan. It's only human. But.. How are you doing?" I ask the last part quietly.

"I am in denial." Harlan says as he looks away from me. "It hasn't sunken in that he's gone. He can't be... He's my dad."

My eyes flicker back over to Daisy who is watching us now. She remains by the bed, folding her hands in front of her.

She was waiting for me.

"Harlan," I say softly and squeeze his hand. "I think you need to rest. Don't waste your time worrying about what I think about you."

"So you forgive me then?" Harlan asks hopefully.

I nod. "I do. Go take some time for yourself. Worry about yourself. For once."

Harlan leans down and brushes his lips against mine. "Thank you, Cordelia."

He leaves my room and closes the door behind him. I whip around and glare at Daisy a few moments after he leaves. "I know who you are."

"Save it." She snaps, her eyes suddenly growing cold. "I was wondering when you would finally figure it out." Daisy walks around the bed and makes it seem like she is passing me to get to the door, but she pauses right by my side. "I'm older and smarter than you think, Lila." She says in a hushed voice, right by my ear. "You breathe a word to anyone about who I am, I will order Mikhail to snap Forrest's pretty little neck." Daisy tilts her head back so she's looking in my eyes again. "You don't realize it, but you are no longer Cordelia. You lost her a long time ago when you fell for Forrest. And you can deny it all you want, I can read between the lines of your journal. This is super convenient for me, though." She smirks. "Now I can use Forrest against you... And you really have no idea how easy it is to sentence his death. You don't want someone else you love dying now, do you?"

Daisy starts for the door once again but I grab her arm. "Don't threaten me, Daisy. You have no idea what I'm capable of."

"Careful Lila, you wouldn't want me to kill another royal. I've already taken out two and I don't think Hero will appreciate you adding to that list. Let go of me before I do something you'll regret."

I release her and she leaves the room without any further argument. I walk over to my bed and let myself fall onto the soft sheets. I had information that could save this entire country- But she threatened Forrest's life. Was it really worth telling this to anyone? I would lose everything. If Forrest died, Hero would be broken. Harlan would be broken. All of Illéa would be broken... And I'm pretty sure I would be broken too. Which is very damn hard for me to admit. If I don't tell Hero, someone else will die and then someone else after them until the entire royal line is wiped out.

But Daisy didn't realize the advantage I now have. Because I know this information I don't specifically need to tell anyone about it. I just have to take everyone's safety into my own hands. Now that I know who the leader is I can watch her every move. Every interaction she makes. Then I can get her back myself. I've been on my own for so long, I didn't need anyone else. I'll do what I do best- watch people and create patterns. The future isn't difficult to understand, just as long as you know the right pattern.

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