Chapter 35: His Diabolical Plan

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"How are we supposed to have alone time with them if those stupid guards are always around!" Taylor whines. "Mikhail is practically a second head to Forrest." 

I sigh irritably while Taylor continues to complain. Because of security, the four of us are only allowed in the woman's room or our own rooms unless we are taken otherwise by the prince. I don't fault Queen Hero for keeping us in here, because after all she is just trying to protect us. 

"I know what you mean." Shannon moans. "I miss my alone times with Harlan."

The only way this new arrangement is bothering is the fact these girls won't shut up about it. There is hardly any place for me to read anymore.

"Exactly." Octavia says. "How am I supposed to make out with Forrest if a Russian is creepily watching us?" 

For some reason that last comment made me snap. "Enough!" I yell and shoot out of my chair. "Would you rather have them kidnapped and killed on television?" I shoot them each a glare and they all freeze. 

"It's not like you are content, Cordelia." Shannon argues. "What do you think about that Russian following Harlan around twenty-four seven? She's pretty hot and badass." 

"What I think?" I say angrily. "I think that it's good he's protected and not perceptible to any kidnappings. You all need to stop thinking about your own personal interests and remember why these guards are here in the first place." 

This seemed to shut them up, but right before I could go back to reading Queen Amberly's journal the double doors to the woman's room open. 

"Greetings ladies." Forrest says happily as he enters. 

Mikhail surprisingly isn't far behind as he glances at all the girls with a one-second sweep. It was less like he was checking them out and more like he was making sure there were no weapons in hand. 

"Hello, Forrest." Octavia says with a wide smile and fluttering eyelashes. 

"Hello, Octavia." Forrest smiles at her. "I summon Cordelia." 

"What am I, a demon?" I ask as I roll my eyes but nonetheless I collect my things so I'm ready to leave.

"Well, you are pretty close, darling." 

"Ha. Ha." I say as I walk up to him. 

"Well, it was nice talking to you ladies. I'll see you all on the flip side!" Forrest salutes them as we exit the woman's room. 

"What was that?" I ask with confusion. "Why are you so upbeat?"

"I am not." Forrest says and his smile suddenly drops. "But I figured if I kept up a good attitude it would over power my medication." 

The only thing I could think of to do is nod. "Why am I here, Forrest?" I ask instead. 

Forrest sighs as he glances over his shoulder at his guard. "Hey, Mikhail, you mind stepping a little further back?"

Mikhail grunts. "This is as far as I am allowed to be away from you."

Forrest gives him an annoyed look. "I don't sense any particular danger around here." 

"They could jump out of nowhere. I have to be prepared." Mikahil argues.

"So they could jump. Through the ceiling. Automatically knowing which hallway I happen to be walking down?" 

"Yes." Is his simple answer. "And if it makes you feel better, I am only a guard. I am not here to spread gossip about what you and Lady Cordelia discuss."

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