Chapter 18: Teamwork Material

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I haven't seen either prince in a couple days, but space is always a good thing.

Today we were meeting in the ladies room because Victoria had something important to tell us. However, I don't believe knowing what fork to use when eating was all that important.

"Ladies!" Victoria screeches, and beside all the other girls who scramble out of their seats to line up in front of her, I was the only one who stood up slowly and joined the line with ease. This lady didn't control me, so I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction. I don't think she noticed anyway.

Victoria continued to speak. "It has come that time we must prepare the palace for our Italian visitors." Victoria says. We all glanced at each other and Felicity especially shot me a worried look.

"This is your first big task." Victoria says seriously. "I will split you up into groups, and the group with the best idea will get to throw the welcoming party."

The girls shifted uncomfortably.

"This is very big. If you throw the party, the king and queen will notice you and you will be under their radar. The princes too. Another elimination is coming up, so you all better pick up your behavior. You've gotten used to the palace, you've all hung around and sat on your asses all day. Now it's time to actually do something." Her eyes flicker over to me with a dark look. "You ladies wouldn't want Cordelia stealing both men, would you?"

Everyone swung their attention toward me with angry looks, everyone except for Felicity. Felicity just looked angry at Victoria.

"Victoria, what is your job specifically?" I ask her, and this question seems to stun her.

"I'm your trainer and advisor-"

"Is your job to manipulate the competition?" I ask, tilting my head to the side. "Because I don't think it would be appreciated by any authorities if they were to find out you were setting the girls against each other, maybe even intimidating them so much some may leave. In fact," I hold up a finger. "I don't think that job description has anything to do with you."

Victoria was seething as she glared at me. She really needed to control her emotions, it was too easy to read her. Well, for me anyways.

"Watch your tongue young lady-"

"Why should I? You're not doing your job, and it's my duty," I put a hand to my heart. "As the one thirtieth possible future princess of illéa to report you."

Victoria straightens her back. "Cordelia, how about you work by yourself?"

The girls snicker like this is some big punishment.

"Really?" I ask in surprise.

She misreads my decision and smirks. "Yes, since you are so confident. Why don't you handle everything."

I smile. "Oh wow, thank you. I work much better by myself anyway."

And it was true. I am not "teamwork" material.

"Very well Cordelia, you are group one. Which means you are also presenting first."

"Wonderful." I say.

Victoria doesn't know how to react so she clears her throat. "Which also means you have less time than everyone else."

"Great. How much time do I have?" I ask.

"A week." she smirks.

I nod. "Fantastic. More than enough time."

Victoria doesn't seem to want to handle me anymore, so she hugs her clipboard to her chest. "I'll make the groups tonight and have the group and the names of the group sent to you. Have a nice evening ladies."

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