Starlight 🌟

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Its been 2 months since the last time they go out to date and Yongsun ain't having it. She is mad at the star but she needs to understand her. It always been like this. Almost 1 year they have been an official couple, a quater of it is them arguing about this problem.

Moonbyul is now busy preparing for her concert, forgeting the fact that that day is their 1st anniversary celebration. Yongsun been telling her to come to her apartment early but now she is stuck at the studio.

"Byul, are you coming? "

"Uh? Coming to where? "

"My apartment. I've told you before"

"I forgot. I'm sorry, maybe later or during our anniversary dinner? "

'But, today is our anniversary, byul' She looks down, trying to composed herself. She doesn't want to get mad at her during their anniversary.

"Okay then, bye"

"I'm really--" Yongsun turn off the call, not wanting to hear her 'sorry' again.

She look around her apartment, looking at the candles that she put on the floor to create some romantic feel. She go back to the kitchen to put back the dishes she made for the special day. "I'm sorry that she is not here to eat you" She frown while cleaning her table.

As she is someone who loves to overthink over everything, she would always doubt their relationship. She thought that a relationship with an idol would be all fluttering, butterflies everywhere. But now, she is doubting her decision in this relationship. Shes been thinking that maybe they were not supposed to be with each other. Maybe she should just be her fan only not lover.

If she was still a fan, she would not have this little heartache. She would not having a thought of regretting everything. A 'love you too' from the star is rare now to be heard.

After she done cleaning her kitchen and putting away dishes into her fridge, she went to her room to sleep on her sadness. She also not sure if the girl will come anyway.


"Moonbyul ah. Why are you still here?"

"I need to finish this song before the concert" She said as she put her forehead on the table.

"Byul ah, you need to rest a bit. You can't be too tired, you know that too"

"I know.. I will go home after this"


It's 2 in the morning when she comes to Yongsun's apartment.

She look around to see if the girl is still awake. "Of course she is sleeping now, stupid" She mumbles to herself.

Moonbyul then proceed to go to the main room. She saw a big lump under the comforter.

As she come inside, she heard a sniff from the bed. She fasten her pace to check on the girl.

Moonbyul feels like a bucket of ice falls on her when its confirmed that the girl is crying quietly. She then lay down behind the girl and backhug the girl. "ddun, why are you crying? " She asked full of concern.

She tighten the hug when the girl still not answering her. After few minutes, Yongsun turned around, showing her wet face to the girl.

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