Untitled Part 5

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Chapter 5

"Is he dying? Or sick? Lolo Ben is so delightful and rather active compared to other oldies out there to be leaving so early, don't you think?" Thisbe asked while looking out the window of their bus.

"He's just felt emotional that's why. Getting older without the love of your life is kind of miserable and to think that my father didn't even paid him a visit on his special day."

"I hope they'll be able to reconcile before everything gets too late." Thisbe said in a wishful manner.

"They will." Ken assured.

They continued chitchatting about various things like how Thisbe hates their homeroom teacher for always reminding her how hardheaded she is, how much money would she make when they grew up, who will get married first or will Ken wanted to marry her, and about how beautiful and modest Athena is.

"By the way, I asked her to meet us in front of the school gate" Thisbe said in full excitement.

"Why would you do that?! You just met the other day and now you're ordering her to wait for you?"

"Nope. I asked her to wait for us."

Ken sighed in frustration.

They hopped out of the bus and entered the school gate but there was no sign of Athena anywhere. Thisbe checked her phone once again.

"She said she's already here."

"Maybe she waited for too long. We should go in now." Ken said.

"No, we should wait for her. She said the other day, she never tried entering the school with friends so we should grant that wish. It's not that hard, is it?"

They waited for a minute, standing at the side of the gate, they noticed students entering the school are staring them and making gossips but not loud enough to hear it.

"Why are they staring at us?" Thisbe asked annoyingly.

"Not us. They are staring at you. We should go in.. NOW." Ken hates receiving attention but more than that, he felt something was off so she dragged Thisbe.

Just before they could get pass the gate, Athena came rushing towards them while shouting Thisbe's name.

"Thisbe! Thisbe!"

As soon as she came close to them, she bent down to touch her knees while catching her breath.

"What's wrong? I thought were going to enter..." Thisbe asked but Athena cuts her before she could finish her sentence.

"Your brother..." Athena hardly can't finish her sentence.

"What about Navi?" Ken asked impatiently.

"What about him? Did he break his teammate's backbone again?"

As soon as Athena stabled her breath, she continued saying, "Policemen came looking for him. I don't know why but.."

Before hearing everything, Thisbe and Ken run as fast as they could to the Office of students' affair to look for his brother. They waited for the meeting to end and when the policemen together with his brother stepped out of the room, but not just that, she also aw a familiar man. It was the same man Navi was talking to at the coffee shop last time. Ken tightened his grip to Thisbe's wrist to prevent her from doing something stupid but she managed to shook it off.

"Where the hell are they taking you?!"

Navi excused himself for a moment and drag Thisbe to the side to explain.

"Listen to me. Everything's fine."

Though he speaks calmly, she can clearly tell looking at his brother's eyes that he's agitated and he's never been like this before.

"Were you going to keep lying to me up to this point?!" Thisbe frustratingly asked, "If being arrested by the police was a fine situation for you, then you must be really stupid!"

"The police are accusing me but they still don't have evidence. I can assure you nothing's wrong. I can get out from here." Navi said trying to calm her sister.

Thisbe just looked at him.

"We should go now." The policeman said.

Navi was about to turn his back but Thisbe grabbed his arm. He felt Thisbe's ice cold hands and sensed how petrified she is.

Thisbe take a step forward to her brother still looking straight to his eyes.

"I'm not a child anymore. If you think you're so good at hiding things, well you're wrong. I'm not a fool like you always thought of me and you're not as smart as you think you were."

Navi thought everything her sister said was right.

Seeing Thisbe trembling with fear, eyes swelling with tears, he felt anger. Seeing her in tears only mean one thing for him, he failed to protect her family.

He can't be seen as a weakling at this situation.

He has to man up.

So he smiled, walk closer to her and hit the back of her head with his palm lightly as if trying to fool with her.

"Why are you crying? You look like a shit right now." He said jokingly trying to calm her which seemed to be very effective, "I'm going to be fine. After class, go straight at home and I'll prepare you your favorite soup, deal?"

Thisbe was so terrified at the thought of losing his brother. She already lost her dad and she can't bear the thought of losing someone again.

She wanted to say another word to her brother but she's trying her best to prevent herself from crying so she just managed to nod her head while seeing Navi turns his back against her.

On the other hand, Ken taps her back trying to comfort her.

"We have to go back to our room. Classes are about to start." Ken said calmly his hands placed at her back gently leading Thisbe back to their room.

They haven't taken that much steps when Thisbe abruptly froze.

"I.. I.." she stammered, "need to use the bathroom."

Ken looked at her with a genuine concern.

"Okay. I'll just wait for you here then."

"No. I think I'll be taking some time. You should go." Thisbe said timidly turning his back against him. 

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