Chapter 6

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I felt a warm object laying next to and I snuggled closer....wait a warm object in my bed. I shut up and out of the bed yesterdays past events coming back to me. I looked over to see a dazed looking Mr.Scott in only his underwear.

"Whats wrong," he said running over to me checking my body for any sign of wounds.

"Im fine," I whispered. He sighed and sat back down on the bed. He ran his eyes up and down my body sending tingles through out my body. 

"Mr.Scott..." I started. 

"You can call me Adam," he interrupted. 

"Ok, ummm Adam what are  we going to do...I mean I cant stay with you," I replied softly.

"Why cant you stay with me," he growled out causing me to step back.

"What I...meanttt wass thattt thee umm school wouldntt like ittt ifff I was ummm here," I stuttered my vocie shaking with fear. 

He stood and slowly approached me, when he got close enough he wrapped me in his arms.

"Im sorry, Nala I didnt mean to scare you...and the school wont care if you stay with me because they wont know and if they do find out what are they going to do take you away from the man that saved you," he whispered in my ear.

"Thank you Adam...for everything've been to kind," I whispered back looking up into his face which is inches apart from mine. I looked into his eyes and leaned in a little closer to him. He hesitated before coming closer. His soft lips gently grazed my own, sparks went through my body when his lips touched mine. I made a little moan from the pleasure that came from that one tiny kiss. Suddenly the kiss became more passionate, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest, then smashed his lips to mine. His tongue licked my lips asking for entrance, which I quickly gave to him. His tongue felt amazing in my mouth and he tasted like mint. He pushed me up against the wall his hands on my butt causing me to gasp. Thats when it hit making out with my teacher. I pulled away from him and roughly pushed him away from me. I quickly ran out of his room and into the living room. My hand grasped the door handle but before I could pull it open I felt a hand grap my sholder. I spun around and came face to face with Adam.

"Nala im sorry,  I shouldn't have kissed u like that but I couldn't help it...I love you," he said. I gasped he loved me how could he love me, he has only know me for like two days.

  "What do u mean you love me, how could you love me...we have only just met," I whispered. 

"I know I love you because I feel it in my heart,"he said. I didn't know how to respond love never worked out for people exspesily me.

"Love isnt real,Adam its just an idea made up to explain lust in a less dirty way...I mean what did love ever do for me," I whispered as a slow trickle of tears ran down my face. I didnt want him to see me cry so I yanked out of his grasp and ran out of the door and took off running towards the woods behind the apartment complex. Hopefully this time around I don't end up dog food. 

*Athours Part*

Hi guys, sorry that I have been gone but I have been kinda busy with life....I know I know excuses exuses....anyhow this chapw got a little heated so hopefully u guys liked only 13 so I dont have much experience in the sexual areas of things so tell me if its good or not. Anyway the girl at the top is Ariana Grande and she is who I choses to play Nala...what do u guys think yay or nay...thanks for reading guys keep calm and read it out

~krisy ♡♡♡♡

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