Chapter 9

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*ADAM"S PART*                                                                                                                                  I was completly sourounded by the dark, my wolf's sorrow filled howls and whimmpers the only thing assuring me that i was still alive. Then i heard a few muffled voices, they sounded like they were agruing. I was to lost in the dark to figure out what they were saying. One of the voices sounded beautiful but i couldnt figure out why. The other vocies sounded angry but calm, then there was a slam and i suddenly woke up from my little dark world, the memories of what had happend came rushing back. I looked up to see three vampiers staring down at me. 

"Awww," I screamed jumping of the couch to face the seemingly young vampiers, thats when i looked around to relize that i couldnt find Nala anywere. "Where is she," i yelled. the youngest vampier stepped forawd and looked me up and down. 

"She ran away," the little girl vamp said. "She called us monsters then ran." Thats when i noticed the redness of her eyes was not her vampier nature but simply from her crying. Her mother and father stepped forawd and rapped their arms arounf her and looked up at me.  

I looked them in the eyes fresh tears sprouting in my eyes, "What do you mean she ran," I whisperd my voice cracking. 

"Nala freaked out and ran away when we explained our world to her," whisperd the older woman. 

"And now she thinks we are monsters, UGGGG i told you to let me do it but noooo you had to screw it up," screamed the younger vamp. New tears came streaming down her face and she took off running to what im assuming was her room. 
"Excuse Jennifer she is a bit put off by the turn of events with young Nala," Mrs.Nightwing said turning away to follow her daughter.

"Adam, we haven't tried to go after young Nala. We believed that she needed space,  but it is getting late and she has not returned...I suggest now that you have awaken from your sleep that you go search for her," Mr.Nightwing said approaching me slowly. 

"Mr....," I started.

"Nightwing, king of vampires at your service," he said calmly. 

"Mr.Nightwing, I will need your word that no harm will come to my mate if she returns he while I am away. I will also need you to promise me that if you jave her hidden away in this home that now would be the time for you to retuw her to," I said my voice hard and cold as stone.

"You have my word, Mr.Scott of the red dawn pack. You have my word that no harm will come tothe young Nala and I promise you that she is not within my home, but if she returns I will see that she is safely returned to you," Mr. Nightwing replied. 

"Ok then we have an agreement, " I said and with that I pushed my way out of the small house and shiffted into my wolf. I had a mate to find and I wasnt waisting anymore time on these nasty vamps.

  *Athours Note*
Hey guys, I know yayyy I finnaly updated...I know I know I dosnt really explain much and its kinda short butttt its an update so be happy. Now I want to state 2 things 1rst thanks sooo much for reading and voting it means so much you guys are amazing...and I jave reached 2,000 reads I could have never done this without you guys so im really thankful fir you guys. 2nd the character at the top is jake able aka the new character who will be playing the wonderful adam scott. Anyhow once again thanks sooo much for reading, keep voting and remmber if have any questions feel free to comment or message me privately on wattpad :)
~ krisy 

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