Chapter 12

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It's been a year sense i've seen my mate. Its been 1 year, 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8765 hours, and 525949 minutes sense ive seen my mate. Im going crazy every day i wake up and i feel like a small piece of me leaves. It feels like im just going through the motions day by day waking up going to work, coming home, showering, and sleeping. Its a consent flow of repetitive actions that morph together. I dont know were my beloved mate went when she flew off a year ago and that hurts me so much. I just want her in my arms but instead she could be in the arms of another because im a stupid ass who so stupidly killed her brother. I love her with everything i have and yet i still camt bring her back. I have tried so hard, I looked for the whole year I'm still looking even if every one else has given up on her. I sighed...but i knew in my head that one day i would have to move on even if my wolf loathed the idea of choosing another mate but he also knew that we needed a mate amd we needed her soon. I was gonna give Nala a month more before i move and just mate with someone else. My wolf growled at the idea but not as much as he once did. I sighed and climed out of bed and headed to get dressed. I still had to work no matter what. I put on a dress shirt and a black tie. I put on some classy jeans and finnaly some black dress shoes before leaving my bedroom and heading out of my apartment. I sighed as i got in my car...this reminded me of a happier time when i got in the car to go to school, I met my mate that day. Ohhh, so much has changed since that day. I pulled my car into the parking lot of the school and slowly got out walking into the building. The girls, teachers and students alike still tryed to catch attention, I would growl at the wolfs and glare at the humans but with every passing day it was getting harder to npt juat lash out at them for trying to get with me. As I continued my slow pace down the hall I was stopped by Alison Sweeney, or miss.Sweeney as here students called her.
"Hello mr. Scott," she said in what sounded like a mixture of nails on a chalk board and a dying cat.
"Hello Alison, " I said slightly growling at her for approaching me.
"Soooo, I heard you were looking fpr a good luna to replace that little whore you ahd been mated to before she ran away. Anyway I wanted to ask her f you wanted to go on a date," she said trying and failing to simle seductively. The only thing she achieved was looking constipated.

"No," I growled,"The only person that will be my Luna is my mate...and you are not my mate."
"Your mates gone Adam." She huffed. "Time to face the facts that little outcast left she only a little human how could help you run a pack?"

"Your the betas daughter so I'm trying really hard not to hit you," I growled lowly before slamming her into a locker,"but if you ever I mean ever insult my mate again I will not hesitate to kill I clear."

"Yes Alaph," she mumbled.

"I SAID ARE WE CLEAR!" I growled out.

"Yes Alaph," she said loudly.

"Good, now get out of my face," I said.

I continued slow but steady pace to my class and finnaly arrived at the room not. I twisted the door knob and right there in the class was my whole class being silent which was definitely weird they were usually very noisy. Once the bell rang I started the class.

"Ok, class today we will be reading..." u started before I was interrupted by a knock at the door.

I walked to the door and turned the door handle amd there stood the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, her scent was intoxicating...but it couldn't be her could it.

"Nala," I whispered. Her head snapped up quickly. Her shinning gold eyes rimmed with black eyeliner.

"No one calls me that anymore," she said,"so the question is who are you and how do u know me?"
"You dont remmber me Nala..." I started.

"Dont call me Nala," she whispered harshly," its fawnz and I think I remember you now. Your that annoying ass new teacher who wont mind his own business."

"But Nal...I mean Fawnz you really dont remmber me I whispered.

"Yeah your my teacher," she hissed before pushing me back and stepping into the class.

I finnaly have my mate back and she dosn't even remember me...

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