Chapter 4

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I took of running through the woods to get to my house. I was late and my mom was going to kill me. I was sad to leave the wolf behind in the forest, but if my mom doesn't kill me for being late she will definitely kill me if I brought a giant wolf home. I ran all the way home only slowing when my house was in sight. I slowed to a walk and sighed before I grabbed the door handle and turned it entering my own personal hell. My mother was on the couch with her head down when she looked up she revealed a line of thin white powder on a clear tray....Oh god not again she was always the worst when she did drugs. She stood slowly and walked towards me, "where have you been," she slurred out.       

"I have been at school mother," I whispered.

"Lier, you were out with someone," she growled stalking towards me, "I give u a roof over your head and u repay me by whoring your self around," she growled right in my face.

"Mom I wasnt doing anything I was just staying after school for some help," I whispered my voice cracking a little at the end as tears thretend to spill out of my eyes.

"LIES" she screamed with such animalistic fury that I was if I hadn't had my back up against the wall I would have fallen from the sheer terror coursing through my body. Thats when she slapped me the sound of it echoed through out are silent house. Then she pushed me down and straddle me on the groud and started to slap me. "IF", slap, "YOU", slap,"LIE", slap, "TO", slap, "ME", slap. Then all of a sudden a black blur of fur  gose by in a flash and my mom is pushed of at me. It was my wolf, the one from the woods. He was standing over my mom growling, I hated my mom but I couldn't let her die. I slowly walked towards my wolf and placed my hand on his back and slowly started to rub up and down his back. He slowly started to calm down "You cant hurt her, please I know she is evil but I u cant hurt her," I whispered softly. He slowly backed off her and turned towards me, he bowed his head and grasped the end of shirt gently in his mouth and gently jerked me towards the door. I looked at him and back to my mom, I had nothing left here and right now I trusted him more then my mom. I followed the wolf out the door and not once looking back, I was starting over and I didn't want to remmber anything from my past...not a single thing. 


Hey all my readers hope u are enjoying the story...just a little background I wrote this whole chapter at a basketball game so if there are mistakes im sorry....anywhore I love u guys keep reading peace to all and to all a good book reading night :)


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