Chapter 7

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*Adams Part* 

I watched my beautiful mate take off running from me and it  made me feel like someone was ripping my heart out. Why did she run, i would never hurt her....i love her. I started to uestion my selfmy head started to hurt from all the nosie running through my head. 

"Stop, you fool insted of crying, go get our mate back," screamed Collin in the back of my head.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Collin a right i had to go save are mate. There was no time to change into clothes so i just changed into my wolf form and took of running into the woods trying to catch my mates scent. It took hours for me to find her scent, the lovely smell of lavender and cherry blossoms. My wolf howled with joy from the sheer scent of our little mate. I took off running in my wolf form tracking her scent. I ran a few miles when i finnaly noticed her scent change. The lavander and cherry blossom was envaded by the siclky sweet vanilla scent of a Vamp. What were the Vamps doing with my mate. My wolf started to fight for control he was ready to kill any Vamp that dare touch our mate. I struggled to gail control but in the end i was fighting a losing battle and he gained control of our body. We took off running at an amazing speed that only Collin could achevie. He tracked our sweet mates scent to a little cottage in the woods. My wolf become nervous, he slowly started to creep towards the cottage and started to ever so slowly give me control back. By the time we had reached the window i had regained full control of my body. I slowly lifted my wolf head and looked thought the window into the cottage. There i saw my mate and 3 Vamps sourounding her. I was ready to charge when i looked closer at her face, she was laughing and smiling. Why were the Vamps not attacking her. I knew that she wouldnt want me to be hear, she was problay still angry or afraid of me, but i couldnt just let her stand there with a bunch of Vamps. I ran into the cottage busting open the door. The Vamps stood and pushed my mate behind them. There were two older looking Vamps and one that appeard to be the same age as my mate. I growled at the vamps for standing in the way of my mate and the Vamps hissed at me. I stalked closer to them snapping my jawl at the Vamps. I was about to lunge and attack them when Nala steped forward.

" that you," she whisperd slowy stepping closer. I gave a little shake of my head and steped closer to her. she leaned down and petted my head. I layed down on my back and she sat down and started to rub my belly and i panted out to show her that i liked it. She smiled and turned around to the Vamps. 

"Jen this is that wolf i was talking about," she said staring at the young Vamp that must be Jen. 

"Wait this is Mr.Scotts wolf, the one that saved your life," she said brethlessly and in shock.  

"Yeah," she said smilling,"This is him, isnt he cute?'' 

"Yeah he is," she said staring hard at me. She wasnt a dumb girl from what i could tell she obviously put two and two together to figure out who i was. I did my best dont say a word wolf face that i could muster. She nodded her head and i thought i would be safe but Jens parents just had to go and open there mouths. 

"Mr.Scott, i think it is time you changed back to you humane form and explained to this pour girl what is going on," said the female Vamp. My world came tummbing down with that sentence, suddenly the petting stopped and i  lifted my head to see Nala's green eyes wide with fear. Now she is never going to love me and thats when things went black.  

*Athours Part*                                                                                                                                                             Thats the 7th chapter yayayayay.......what did you guys think? Was it good? dont be silent i want to hear your guys thoughts......anyway anythoughts on who should play Jen? Jen is going to be blonde with blue eyes yeah i know bad description but hey deal with it lol.......but really guys thanks for reading it means alot love you guys have fun and howl to the moon. 


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