Chapter 8

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*Nala's Part*    

 I stood up and backed away from the wolf that was laying at my feet and turned to stare at Jen and her parents. "What did you mean that this is Mr.Scott," I whisperd my eyes filling with tears. 

"Nala I have wanted to tell you but i couldn't," Jen said slowly walking towrads me.

"NO....stop dont come any closer to me, until you explaine to me what is going on," i yelled at them. 

Jen's dad steped forward "Nala i know you are probley scared right now but i think it would be best if we waited for Adam to explaine everything to you."  I sighed and looked down at the wolf at my feet, he started to shake I wanted to lean down and hold him but i wasnt about to give in to him. Suddenly the black wolf laying at my feet became a naked Adam.....what was he, what are these people surrounding me. I took to giant steps back and my back was against the door. Mrs. Nightwing stepped forward and leaned down to Adam 

"He's out cold," she said looking at her husbad for some kind of support. Jen and her dad stepped forward and helped Mrs.Nightwing carry Adam to the couch. Jen grapped a blanket and placed over Adam. When they were done placing him on the couch all three of them turned to me and stared at me. 

"What was that?" I whisperd. 

"Thats what it looks like when werewolves switch back into there human form," Mr.Nightwing said. 

"Werewolves arnt real there just fiction," i said my voice shaking with fear. 

"But dont you see Nala they are real, and so are vampiers," said Jen in an over happy voice consendering the circumstance. 

"No, No, No, vampiers and werewolves are just fiction....there monsters that kill people," i said my whole body shaking.

Jens parents turned around to face me. " I assure you Nala that we are telling the truth when we say that vampires and werewolves are real," Mrs. Nightwing said slowly. 

"Here ill how you," said Jen. She suddenly jumped closer oppening her mouth to show of two pointy fangs and her eyes had suddenly gone blood shot red. I screamed and turned around grapbing the door handle and yaking open the door.  I took off racing through the woods hoping that they wouldnt try to follow me. After running for a good while I looked around and saw that i was depper in the woods then i have ever been and i was completly lost. It was getting cold and the sun was setting and i had no idea were to go. I suddenly heard a stick crack, i paused and looked around the woods, mabey it was just an anima, then I heard the sound again. I took off running through the woods, but who ever was chasing after me was alot faster and suddelny some one grabbed my wrist and a cloth was pressed to my face. I tryed to get out of the strong grip of who evr was holding me but i wasnt strong enough. Slowly the world became dark and before i could pass out agian a strange vocie whisperd in my ear, "Did you miss me princess." 

*Athours Part*                                                                                                                                                            Hey my faithfull readers, My Teachers Mate almost has 1000 reads and that is freaking thanks alot for that. Now i also wanted to say, that the girl to the side or the top, depending were you are reading is Emilia Clarke. For any of the Game of Thrones watchers out there it is the wonderful Daenerys Targaryen or the Queen of Drangons. Im in love with the Game of thrones. But anyway thank you guys for reading love you all :). 


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