Chapter 3

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She was perfect everything about her was amazing her beautiful flaming hair, her emerald eyes were shinning, thats when I noticed the bruise slightly cover with makeup this made my wolf angry.                                  *Collin Adam's wolf*

"Mate who hurt mate"
*Adam taking to his wolf*

"Collin calm down ok she doesn't know about wolves so u need to calm down or you'll scare her"

I felt my wolf Collin move back into the back of my mind at the mention of scaring our mate. I looked back up at my mate and she had looked away I sighed as I watched her for a few more seconds and then started the class. "Ok welcome class my name is Adam Scott you can call me Mr.Scott, anyway will go around the class say your name and 3 things about your self then u all can ask me a few questions," I said. I looked down at my class list and called out the names in order "Ashley Grace"

She was sitting in the front row with her boobs pushed so far out that nothing much was left to imagination. She looked me up and down and then in what she probably was a seductive vocie said "My names Ashley Grace, my dad is Gert Grace of Gerts law firm, I have alot of money and love to have a good time," she winked and I shudder.  That was how most of the girls answered and the boys basically said fuck u im not telling u nothing. Then the last name on the list "Nala Winters" I said. That was her name its beautiful just like her. She stood up and kept her head down "my names Nala Winter I love wolfs, my favorite color is Blue, and I like to run,". Her voice was so soft I was getting hard just listening to her talk. When she sat down th bell rang. I dismissed the class and watched Nala got up I saw Brittany the pack slut approached her Nala stood and then fell back down her books went sliding, Britney laughed and walked out of the classroom. I went to help Nala to pick up her books when are hands accidentally touched.  I felt the most amazing shocks of pleasure rush through my body. She gasped and dropped the book she was holding. She leaned down to grab the book and rushed out with her jead down before I could stop her

I sighed and sat down in my chair. I put my hands in my head and screamed out in frustration. Why did she run..was it me dose she hate me. My head hurt, my heat was racing, I called the office and told them I was sick and needed to go home. I grabbed my keys and ran into the forest that sournded the school and shiffted into my wolf. My all white wolf stood at leat 6ft tall and was completely black with bright blue eyes. I started running through the woods when a familiar smell hit my nose. It was my mate, I ran towards her smell and I saw her sitting under a tree crying, I went to back away when I stepped on a twig breaking it in two. Her head snapped up and I stayed very still, what she did next suprised me..she spoke. "Its ok pretty wolf I wont hurt you," she said softly and walked forward. I slowly moved forward, so I wouldn't startle her. When I was with in arms length she moved her hand forward and started to slowly pet me down my back. I licked her face and she gave me a hug. "You're a very pretty wolf arnt you boy," she whispered in her sweet sexy vocie. She sat down under the tree and patted the spot next to her I walked over to her and layed down putting my head in her lap. She started to stroke my back again making my wolf shiver in pleasure. "Aw do you like that wolf," she whispered as she continued to pet my back. I picked my head up and licked her face. She let out a little laugh and kissed my head. "I wish I could keep u mr.wolf but my mom would hurt me worse then she already dose and she would probably hurt you, I cant let her hurt a defenseless wolf," she said in my ear. I whimpered at the thought of her mom hurting her and I started to lick her bruise, I wish I could lick it away. She laughed at my consistent licking "you cant like my bruise away wolf, but the thought is nice," she said to me. I licked her neck and she shiverd a little. I knewi was bad to take advantage of her while in my wolf form but it may be my only chance. I licked her neck again and she laughed and stood up. I stood and looked at her. She started to run and I ran after her. We made are way back to the clearing and pounced on her. I licked her in between her tummy, that was exposed because her t-shirt was riding up. She laughed and I pushed her shirt up and she laughed more at me the I licked in between her chest and she pushed me off her. She looked at me and laughed "ok wolf I like u but I dont think you should be doing that ok," she said to me in a scolding tone. I bowed my head and put my tail between my legs and whimpered. "Im gonna take that as an ok," she smiled. Thats when her phone ringed she picked it up and I heard screaming in the background and her face became scared. She nodded and whispered ok and then hung the phone up. She looked down at me and a tear fell from her eye. "Im sorry wolf but I have to go, I hope I see you again," she whispered. She took of running a few minutes latet I took of after her to make sure she wouldn't get hurt, because no one was hurting my mate. 

*Athours Part*

Thank you all for reading u guys are the most amazing fans plz continue to read and im sorry this update took so long I had some major writers anyway i hope u hall enjoy


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