Chapter nineteen

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"Get June on the phone now." Cree said. "No can do. June look a little occupied to me. He on the dance floor with Aniya and he drunk as hell." Kacey said with a laugh. Cree signed. "Of course that nigga is. What Fernando doing?" He asked. "He passed out on the couch at the moment but I'd say he enjoying the party." Kacey said. "Okay good. We on our way back now to the crib. Send Anastasia over." Cree said. "Huh? What you need her for. We kind of in the middle of something." Kacey said. "Just do what I said nigga. " Cree said before hanging up.

"How old you think she is?" Jorge asked looking at the little girl who was in the backseat peacefully sleeping. "No older than two or three. I can't believe that shit bruh. She was so scared." Cree said. "Glad you got there when you did. What you think he was gonna do to her?" Jorge asked. "Ion know and ion wanna think about it. I'm just happy she safe." Cree said looking back at her. "For how long. How long before Fernando comes looking?" Jorge asked. "Considering the fact we just took out five of his men he gone be looking pretty soon." Cree said. "So what's our next move?" Jorge asked.

"Shid I don't know. In all honestly I didn't think we would get this far. I've just been making shit up as I go." Cree said. Jorge laughed. "When we get back, take her to my crib. Anastasia will be there to watch her til we get back. I gotta go back to the party and talk to Fernando about Amber." Cree said. "Aye man I think I have an idea." Jorge said. "Let's hear it." Cree said. "Alright Kacey said Fernando was somewhere passed out right?" Jorge asked. "Yeah why?" Cree asked. "I say we kidnap, torture then kill him." Jorge said. "Okay.. Let me just start off by saying that's not a bad idea. But how are we gone get to the partner if Fernando dead?" Cree asked.

"We know who the partner is." Jorge said. "We do?" Cree said. "It's my father. I know it is." Jorge said. "We don't know that for sure man." Cree said. "I know it. Amber said his name started with a M." Jorge said. "Okay? What's yo pops name?" Cree asked. "Mario." Jorge said. "Aw... damn." Cree said. "I can't believe he would do something like this. Now I see why my mom left him." Jorge said. "Well yeah that'll do it for sure." Cree said. They laughed. "Look I know that's yo pops. I'll be more than happy to take him out for you. I know you couldn't bring yourself to kill your brother. So let me handle this." Cree said. "What would I do without you friend?" Jorge asked as they pulled up to the house.

Cree got out the car and went back into the party. He spotted Kacey and June and quickly walked over to them. "Where he at?" Cree asked. "You just missed him man. He got a call and ran out the house quick as hell. Didn't say shit to nobody." June said. "Fuck. God damn it." Cree said. "What?" Kacey asked. "Y'all was supposed to keep him here." Cree said. "Nigga did you want me to body slam his ass? You the one who said don't be sus. He woulda knew something was up if we tried to make him stay." June said. "He probably already know something up. Let's go." Cree said. "Mann we just got here." Kacey said. "Fine. Stay here and get fucked up. Me and Jorge got more important shit to do." Cree said before walking off. June and Kacey signed. "Come on man." June said. They followed after him.

"You get her to talk?" Cree asked. "She keeps saying something about a Amber." Anastasia said. "Amber?" Cree said. "Yeah." She said. "Jorge go get her." He said. Jorge left out the house and did as told. "Awn who is this little cutie?" June asked walking in the house with Kacey. "We found her running from some man while we was there." Cree said. "Wait Fernando had her at his crib?" June asked. Cree nodded his head. "I gave her a bath. She had a lot of bruises." Anastasia said. "Bruises?" June asked. "How many?" Cree asked. "Where at?" Kacey said. "Everywhere. There's a lot of them too." Anastasia said. "We gone make them pay for that shit." Cree said. "Hold the fuck up. You mean to tell me the niggas that did that to her still walking around breathing?" June asked. "Possibly." Cree said.

"Fuck that let's go." June said. "Go where?" Kacey asked. "To find the niggas who did it what you mean?" June said. "No we need to think out a plan before we do something stupid." Cree said. "Dude fuck that I got a plan." June said. "Well let's hear it then." Cree said. "It's simple. We go to his house and shoot everybody there. It's not rocket science Creation. Them niggas need to die, that's a baby." June said. "We won't make it past the first floor dumb ass. We haven't compromised our cover yet. We can make Fernando believe we on board with it." Cree said. "Nope. I can't do that I can't participate in bullshit." June said. Jorge walked in the door with Amber and when she seen the girl her mouth dropped. "Carly?" She said. She ran over and picked her up off the couch. "What is she doing here?" Amber asked.

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