Chapter thirty eight

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Cree came to an abrupt stop when he heard the sound of Seven screaming. He quickly laid Santana down and got his gun out the closet. "Baby you good?" He yelled as he ran down the stairs. He saw Cj and Bailey in the living room by themselves. "Where mommy at?" He asked. "She went to get spidey." Cj said pointing outside. Cree picked up him and Bailey and quickly took them upstairs. "Stay right here okay daddy gone be right back." He said before closing the door and running back down the steps. He ran outside looking for Seven but she was no where to be found. He couldn't help but notice the trail of blood that led out his backyard. "Fuck!" He yelled.

He pulled out his phone and called June. "Nigga nah fuck you, don't be calling me up now. Why I had to hear from Quincy that you barbecued without me?" June asked. "Somebody got Seven. I think it's Devon but I don't know. I need you." Cree said. "Nigga what? The fuck you mean somebody got Seven? You don't know where she at?" June asked. "No. I heard her screaming and I get out here she gone. It's blood everywhere Nigga." Cree said. "I'm on my way." June said immediately getting up. "What if she dead bro?" Cree asked. "She not I'm on my way now wait on me." June said. "I can't wait. She could be dying I gotta go now." Cree said.

"Go where? You don't know where she at and you ain't thinking straight don't you leave til I get there." June said. "I can't wait another second bruh. Just hurry up." Cree said before hanging up. He quickly dialed Laron. "Cree? What's up nigga why you jamming my line?" Laron asked. "Because somebody took Seven and I need you to come get these kids while I handle it." Cree said. "Nigga back up. Fuck you mean somebody took Seven where the fuck she at?" Laron asked. "Man I don't know I was upstairs feeding Santana when I heard her screaming. I ran outside but I didn't see her anywhere." Cree said.

"Nigga and you think I'm finna do some fucking baby sitting when my lil sister out there somewhere possibly hurt? I'm on my way there now Loren can watch the kids." Laron said. "Ight hurry up." Cree said before hanging up. He was pacing back and forth and he didn't know what to do. His phone started ringing and once he saw it was a private number he immediately answered. "Seven?" He said. "Seven can't really talk right now. She's focused on other things, like not dying." Krissy said. Cree took a deep breath. "Krissy. So you behind this shit? I swear to god on my son you gone die." He said.

"Who says I'm behind this? Who says I'm working alone?" Krissy asked. "So you with that nigga huh?" Cree said. "I told you y'all was gone pay didn't I?" Devon said from the background. "Where's seven." Cree said. "He keeps asking for you. Here." Krissy said handing Seven the phone. "Baby you okay?" Cree said. "Creation don't come I'm okay I'll be fine it's a trap they just wanna lure-." She came to a stop. "What? They just wanna what?" Cree asked. "Can't have her spoiling the plan." Devon said. "Put her back on the phone now." Cree demanded. "I'm afraid she can't talk because she's unconscious." Krissy said.

"Who hurt her?" Cree asked. "Don't worry about that." Devon said. "I'll kill you both. Let her go and come get me instead. Stop being a bitch Devon and face me like a man." Cree said. "Nah see in order for our plan to work we need Seven. Not you big dawg. At least not right now." Devon said. "What plan. What the fuck do y'all want from us?" Cree asked. "I want you to feel what I felt when I found out the baby wasn't mine. I want you to feel that hurt. That grief. Then we'll maybe be even." Devon said. "Only thing you gone feel is a bullet in yo head if you do anything to hurt Seven. That's a promise." Cree said. "It's too late for Seven. Don't let it be too late for you. You need to just do what we say." Krissy said.

"Krissy please. Just tell me what do you want me to do bruh?" Cree asked. "Bring my son to me." She said. "Absolutely not bruh stop with the Bull shit." He said. "You wanna see her again right? Alive?" Krissy asked. "Don't make threats to me bitch." Cree said. "Answer the question baby." She said. "You know I do bruh. Don't play these games with me Krissy. Seven don't deserve to be hurt over anything me and you got going on and you know that. Don't do something you can't come back from Krissy. Dead ass. These delusions went too far." Cree said. "Bring me my son and I'll let your girl friend go. You should hurry because she's really bleeding out back there." Krissy said. Cree smacked his teeth. "That's not happening. Anything else." He said.

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